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A type-safe Odoo XML-RPC client for Node.js written in TypeScript. This package provides a robust interface to interact with Odoo's external API through XML-RPC.

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A type-safe Odoo XML-RPC client for Node.js written in TypeScript. This package provides a robust interface to interact with Odoo's external API through XML-RPC.


  • ✨ Full TypeScript support with type definitions
  • 🔄 Promise-based API
  • 🔐 Automatic authentication handling
  • 🛡️ Comprehensive error handling
  • 🎯 Support for all major Odoo operations
  • 📝 Built-in TypeScript interfaces for Odoo models
  • 🔍 Type-safe domain builders
  • 📦 Zero external dependencies except xmlrpc
  • 🔄 Supports both ESM and CommonJS


  • Node.js >= 18
  • pnpm >= 8
  • Odoo instance with XML-RPC enabled
  • API access enabled in your Odoo instance


pnpm add odoo-xmlrpc-ts

Using npm:

npm install odoo-xmlrpc-ts

Using yarn:

yarn add odoo-xmlrpc-ts


ESM Import

import { OdooClient } from 'odoo-xmlrpc-ts';

CommonJS Require

const { OdooClient } = require('odoo-xmlrpc-ts');

Basic Example

import { OdooClient } from 'odoo-xmlrpc-ts';
// Or for CommonJS:
// const { OdooClient } = require('odoo-xmlrpc-ts');

// Define your model interfaces
interface Partner {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email?: string;
  is_company: boolean;

async function example() {
  // Initialize client
  const client = new OdooClient({
    url: '',
    db: 'your-database',
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'admin',

  try {
    // Search and read partners
    const partners = await client.searchRead<Partner>('res.partner', [['is_company', '=', true]], {
      fields: ['name', 'email'],
      limit: 10,

    console.log('Partners:', partners);
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof OdooError) {
      console.error('Odoo Error:', error.message);

Advanced Usage

import { OdooClient, OdooBaseModel } from 'odoo-xmlrpc-ts';

// Extend the base model interface
interface CustomPartner extends OdooBaseModel {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  phone?: string;
  is_company: boolean;
  child_ids: number[];

async function advancedExample() {
  const client = new OdooClient({
    url: '',
    db: 'your-database',
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'admin',

  // Create a new partner
  const partnerId = await client.create<Partial<CustomPartner>>('res.partner', {
    name: 'Test Company',
    is_company: true,
    email: '',

  // Read the created partner
  const [partner] = await<CustomPartner>('res.partner', [partnerId]);

  // Update the partner
  await client.write<Partial<CustomPartner>>('res.partner', [partnerId], {
    phone: '+1234567890',

  // Delete the partner
  await client.unlink('res.partner', [partnerId]);

API Reference


const client = new OdooClient({
  url: string;    // Odoo instance URL
  db: string;     // Database name
  username: string;
  password: string;


async version(): Promise<OdooVersion>

Get Odoo server version information.

async authenticate(): Promise<number>

Authenticate with the Odoo server. Called automatically when needed.

async search(model: string, domain: OdooDomain, options?: SearchOptions): Promise<number[]>

Search for record IDs.

interface SearchOptions {
  offset?: number;
  limit?: number;
  order?: string;

async searchRead<T>(model: string, domain: OdooDomain, options?: SearchReadOptions): Promise<T[]>

Search and read records in one call.

interface SearchReadOptions extends SearchOptions {
  fields?: string[];

async read<T>(model: string, ids: number[], fields?: string[]): Promise<T[]>

Read specific records by ID.

async create<T>(model: string, values: T): Promise<number>

Create a new record.

async write<T>(model: string, ids: number[], values: T): Promise<boolean>

Update existing records.

async unlink(model: string, ids: number[]): Promise<boolean>

Delete records.

async fieldsGet(model: string, attributes?: string[]): Promise<OdooFieldsMap>

Get field information for a model.

async execute<T>(model: string, method: string, args?: any[], kwargs?: object): Promise<T>

Execute any method on an Odoo model. This is useful for calling custom methods or workflow actions.

// Example: Confirm a sale order
await client.execute('sale.order', 'action_confirm', [orderId]);

// Example: Send email using template
await client.execute('mail.template', 'send_mail', [templateId, recordId]);

// Example: Custom method with keyword arguments
await client.execute('your.model', 'your_method', [arg1, arg2], {
  kwarg1: 'value1',
  kwarg2: 'value2'

## Error Handling

The client includes built-in error classes:

- `OdooError`: Base error class for all Odoo-related errors
- `OdooAuthenticationError`: Authentication-specific errors

try {
  await client.authenticate();
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof OdooAuthenticationError) {
    console.error('Authentication failed:', error.message);


# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Build
pnpm run build

# Run tests
pnpm test

# Run tests with coverage
pnpm test:coverage

# Lint
pnpm run lint

# Format code
pnpm run format

# Type check
pnpm run type-check


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'feat: add amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Common Issues

CORS Issues

If you're using this client in a browser environment, you might encounter CORS issues. This client is intended for Node.js usage. For browser environments, consider using Odoo's JSON-RPC interface instead.

Authentication Issues

Make sure your Odoo instance has XML-RPC enabled and your user has the necessary access rights. For or Odoo Online instances, you might need to whitelist your IP address.


MIT © Dilip Ray Ch


A type-safe Odoo XML-RPC client for Node.js written in TypeScript. This package provides a robust interface to interact with Odoo's external API through XML-RPC.






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