Hey there 👋, 𝐼'𝑚 Prajwal Kumbar 👨🏻
- 🦾 Co-organizer at TFUG Jalandhar
- 🌱 Learning MLOps, Big Data, and Cloud AI
- 👯 Open to MLOps and AI Cloud Projects
- 🫂 Helping with ML and Data Science projects
- 🔧 Adaptable to new tech like GenAI,LLM's, Agentic AI and workflows
- 🤝 Open to exciting opportunities and collaborations
- 🚀 Built StorySpinner, boosting user engagement by 30%
- 🦿 Created Vision Assistant with 95% hazard detection accuracy
- 📄 Published at ETNCC 2024: StorySpinner: AI for Web Narration