Fiture Tools OVO
- Login - GetToken
- Registrasi
- Manual Registrasi
- Auto Registrasi TurboOTP
- Auto Registrasi OTPCepat
- Auto Registrasi OTPKU
- Auto Registrasi TOKOCLAUDE
- Auto Registrasi OTPWEB
- Auto Registrasi SMS-ACTIVATE
- Auto Registrasi LITENSI OTP - Qris Payment
- QRIS v1 ( Scanning all balance account ovo )
- QRIS v2 ( Scanning all balance for choose account )
- QRIS v3 ( Single scanning all balance for choose account ) - Checking Saldo
- Checking Transaksi
- Checking Account
- Generate Barcode Alfa
- Generate Barcode Indomaret
- ReVerification Email
Information files
- Save token
- Get Token
- Save Data Registrasi
- Payment Qris trx otomatis tersimpan di file .txt
- Generate Barcode ALFA or KLIK otomatis barcode terimpan ke folder qriscode
- ReVerifikasi Email jika akun ovo blm ada email
Silahkan jika anda minat dengan tools script ovo bisa contact di bawah ini
— Contact admin for Order Script.
The script runs with the license key, if you don't have a license key then you can't run it, to get a license key you have to ask the creator for its activation for a donation of course, This script blocks multiple user logins so that the script remains safe and secure.
Regards, Iddant ID