In this step-by-step workshop you will connect OPC UA device(s) with IoT Central application via an IoT Edge Gateway device
OPC UA devices connected to IoT Central via IoT Edge Gateway using the following patterns:
- Opaque: In this pattern IoT Edge Gateway is only device known in the cloud
- Lucid: here IoT Edge Gateway (OPC UA client) and leaf devices (OPC UA server) known in the cloud
In this pattern IoT Edge Gateway is only device known in the cloud. All capabilities are part of that one device.
Setup and run OPC UA Server Simulator
Build and publish OPC UA custom IoT Edge module
Setup IoT Central application
Deploy an IoT Edge enabled Linux VM
Confim that IoT Edge device status shows "Provisioned" in your IoT Central application
Connect to your OPC UA server using the following "model-less command" command as mentioned in step 6:
- Method name: connect, Module name: opcua_crud, Payload: [{"serverId": "opcua_client_1", "url": "opc.tcp://<YOUR_OPCUA_SERVER_VM_IPADDRESS>:4840/cnc_widget/server/"}]
click on IoT Edge Gateway device and select "Raw data" tab and verify the telemetry is flowing
In this pattern IoT Edge Gateway (OPC UA client) and leaf devices (OPC UA server) known in the cloud.
Setup and run OPC UA Server Simulator
Build and publish OPC UA custom IoT Edge modules
Setup IoT Central application
Deploy an IoT Edge enabled Linux VM
Confim that IoT Edge device status shows "Provisioned" in your IoT Central application
Connect to your OPC UA server using the following "model-less command" command as mentioned in step 6:
- Method name: connect, Module name: opcua_crud, Payload: [{"serverId": "opcua01", "url": "opc.tcp://<YOUR_OPCUA_SERVER_VM_IPADDRESS>:4840/cnc_widget/server/"}]
Confim that IoT Edge device child device opcua01 status shows "Provisioned" in your IoT Central application
Confim that IoT Edge device has opcua01 device as its child device in your IoT Central application
Click on opcua01 device and select "Raw data" tab and verify the telemetry is flowing