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Filipe edited this page Oct 1, 2021 · 9 revisions

Using Conda

compliance-checker depends on many external C libraries. The easiest way to install on MS-Windows/OS X/Linux is with conda.

$ conda install -c conda-forge compliance-checker

For more information on conda and installing the IOOS software stack see:

Using pip

Starting from version 4.3.4 of compliance-checker one can just pip install the wheel with:

$ pip install compliance-checker 

To install locally, set up a virtual environment (recommend using virtualenv-burrito).

$ mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages compliance-checker
$ workon compliance-checker

The Python dependencies require several underlying system packages that most package managers should have.

Testing your compliance checker installation:

Run python on your virtual environment and try:

from compliance_checker.runner import ComplianceChecker

If it succeeds, then the Compliance Checker should be working correctly.

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