key terms that name & convey ionify concepts
ion implemented for you
is a flexible & unobtrusive, natural-language api, that enables expressing actions & information, that humans & software naturally ❦ understand
it provides apis with concise & flexible vocabulary for defining, acquiring, sensing, composing & interacting with ⚛️ ions via the ✨ ionosphere
~ {get:''}
- is the ion observation sphere
- the connections, observations & interactions of all ions & their supporting functions, operations & information
invoked object notation
is syntax for defining action(s) & information as software modules
presented as objects, combined with mathematical operators, that invoke their composition, observation & interaction
literal ion
~ { } + / / & [ ]
emoji ion
emoji produced via literal ions
~ ~ +['0 . 0']+ 8-['^ . ^']-8 - -{ 0 : 0 }- /d ~ . ~ b/
recognized-terminology ion
recognized-terminology via regular-expression invocation
~ /(recognition) (of) (these) (five) (terms)/
object-reference ion
object-reference invocation via its identifier
~ orion
semantic ion
~ { re: { id: '' , as: 'sion' , by: ['🙇🏾♂️ יהוה 🤲🏾','mike🇬🇾👨🏾💻🇺🇸lee','team✨ionify'] , on: {2007_09.2 : -4} , to: {5784_07_12_6.1 : -7} , at: -0.302 , is: [ "the 🌱 semantic ion: invoked object notation" , "definition of an observable, attributed," , "specified & versioned thing, with classifications" , "that aid its internet & local discovery" ], im: [ 'exhibition', 'information', 'invocation' ,'identification', 'association', 'location' , 'specification', 'connection', 'attribution' , 'occasion', 'version', 'description' ,'classification', 'annotation', 'instruction' ], we: [ "hope you'll enjoy applying sion to share &" , "simplify identification, comprehension," , "selection & adoption, of many good things" , "✨🤲🏾✨" ], go: { meet: '' , seek: '' , know: '' , deal: '' } } }
observable json
~ {"json":"data"} & ["json","data"]
json-expressed module
~ { "re": { "id": "" , "as": "" , "by": ["🙇🏾♂️ יהוה 🤲🏾","mike🇬🇾👨🏾💻🇺🇸lee","team✨ionify"] , "on": {"200709.2" : -4} , "to": {"578311012.1": -8} , "at": 0.006 , "is": "a json: javascript object notation, module" } }
json-expressed web language
~ {"re": {"as":"html"}, "body": "hi!"} ~ {"re": {"as":"css" }, "#body":{"color":"#000"}}
object-reference expression
any expression referencing one or more objects as
notions and-or elaborations
~orion & {'🦁': 'lion'} | [ "📜 aesop", /📖 stories/ ] notion && {'🚫':'notion'} || [ "🚫 notion", /🚫 notions/ ]
not-ion: invoked-object notation
object notation not invoking object notification
/ notion 🚫 /, notion [ {notion:'🚫'}, "notion 🚫" ]
elaborate expression
elaborations are formed by combining multiple ions with arithmetic, bitwise, relational, equality & other invocation operators:
~ /example/ - /elaboration/ ^ ["aesop"] & / stories / >> {are:"ions"} * ["these"] + /expressions/ << {are:"too" } / ["write"] % /them as you/ | {see:"fit" } > ["using"] >= / any of / <= [ "these" ] < 17 == /invocation / != "operators!"
code expressed as natural-language prose
code-as-prose terminology ions
each - word - means & does - something
stated text of recognition expressions
~/ each word means & does something /
array-expressed stories or phrases
~[/ each word means & does something /] +[" each word means & does something "]
ion applies, direct & indirect, operator overloading to interact with objects during their type-conversion
- handled-on-type
- is operator overloading defined on an object’s type
- handled-in-place
- is operator overloading defined within an object instance
- handled-on-prototype
- is operator overloading defined on an object’s prototype
- procedural operator-overloading languages
- is the set of programming languages that support operator overloading via procedures, i.e. routines, subroutines, functions, and-or methods.
🙇🏾♂️ through * יהוה * impossible -is- nothing || 🇬🇾👨🏾💻🇺🇸 mike lee & team 🤲🏾