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The iofod SDK provides developers with the ability to interact with the main iofod interface within the Web worker, enabling rapid development of iofod extensions through the SDK. For detailed documentation please refer to: Extension SDK.
We recommend using Node.js v16.15.0 for iofod extension development, which is the version we currently use for almost all of our extensions.
yarn installation.
yarn add iofod-sdk -D
npm install.
npm install iofod-sdk -D
In a formal environment, the developer does not need to introduce additional SDK files, the expansion is automatically executed during initialization in iofod by loading the SDK and mounting it on the global variable PLUS.
Local development and debugging is recommended to use the SDK in this way:
import * as PLUS from 'iofod-sdk'
All extensions should have an initialisation entry main function, where the SDK initialisation and extension interface rendering is performed in the main function body.
For Example:
export async function main() {
await PLUS.init({
state: { ... },
version: '1.0.0'
await PLUS.render([...]);
The interface of the iofod extension is drawn and the extension interacts with the user via extension components. This can be found in the Instructions for use
By combining the extension SDK and the built-in components, it is easy to develop an extension that takes advantage of the extension capabilities within iofod to provide more customisation and explore more possibilities for the project.
For Example:
const { Button } = PLUS.components
export async function main() {
await PLUS.init({
state: {
msg: 'click me!',
showMsg: false,
version: '1.0.0',
await PLUS.render([
Button('$msg', 'clickBinding'),
render: '$showMsg',
value: 'QAQ',
export async function clickBinding(e) {
showMsg: true,
For more content, please read the official documentation for more information. Templates and examples can be found in the official Open Source Library.
Copyright (c) 2022-present, iofod.