Releases: iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opendtu
Releases · iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.opendtu
Release v3.1.0
- (mattreim) Variable polling interval has been removed and polling intervals hev been increased.
- (mattreim) Description has been translated into supported languages.
- (mattreim) Admin-UI has been adapted for some display sizes.
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
Release v3.0.1
- (simatec) Admin-UI has been adapted for small displays.
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
Release v3.0.0
- (mcm1957) Adapter has been moved to iobroker-community-adapter organisation.
- (mcm1957) Adapter requires js-controller 5, admin 6 and node.js 20 now.
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
Release v3.0.0-alpha.0
- (mcm1957) Adapter has been moved to iobroker-community-adapter organisation.
- (mcm1957) Adapter requires js-controller 5, admin 6 and node.js 20 now.
- (mcm1957) Dependencies have been updated.
Release v2.1.0
- (o0shojo0o) update dependencies
- (mattreim) support small screens
- (mattreim) update translations
- (mattreim) update object names
- (mattreim) add variable polling intervall [1-59s]
Release v2.0.0
- (o0shojo0o) changes for new websocket structure (#129)
- (o0shojo0o)
andDC Power
moved from the AC section to the INV (old data points must be removed manually)
Release v1.0.1
- (o0shojo0o) fixed
power_control.current_limit_absolute" has value "-1" less than min "0"
Release v1.0.0
- (o0shojo0o) Increase to the first major release, as it has now reached a stable level.
- (o0shojo0o) added yieldtotal Protection against incorrect zeroing when the OpenDTU restarts if the inverter is not accessible
- (o0shojo0o) added option
Set the states to 0 if the inverter is not accessible.
Release v0.1.8
- (o0shojo0o) added option
Protect self-set names from being overwritten by the adapter
(#76) - (o0shojo0o) allow multiple AdminTabs for multiple instances (#88)
- (o0shojo0o) fixed password with special characters (#35)
- (o0shojo0o) fixed incorrect handling of zeroing of
data points by OpenDTU (#96) - (o0shojo0o) remove zeroing of
data points by this adapter (#96)
Release v0.1.7
- (o0shojo0o) workaround for incorrectly used button data point