This is a simple wrapper for the fantastic Frankfurter API.
Use composer to install:
composer require investbrainapp/frankfurter-client
This package provides a simple Laravel facade that exposes all functionality provided by the Frankfurter API.
To get the latest exchange rate use the latest
return Frankfurter::latest();
To get a historic exchange rate, pass a well formated date string or a DateTime
object to the historical
return Frankfurter::historical('2025-01-01');
To get time series data for a range of dates, pass well formated date strings or DateTime
objects to the timeSeries
return Frankfurter::timeSeries('2023-01-01', '2024-12-31');
If you want all rates between a date in the past and today's date, you can omit the second argument to the timeSeries
return Frankfurter::timeSeries('2023-01-01');
You can call the currencies
method to get a list of all supported currencies:
return Frankfurter::currencies();
You can pass an array to the setSymbols
method to limit the query to only specified symbols:
You can also set the base currency using the setBaseCurrency
You can publish the frankfurter.php
config file by running:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Investbrain\Frankfurter\FrankfurterServiceProvider" --tag=config
In the config file, you can adjust your base currency and the base url (if you're self hosting Frankfurter).