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Release preparation checklist

Krzysztof Nowak edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 4 revisions


Checkout Invenio cookiecutter template:

$ git clone

1. Analyse module

  • Is I18N required?
  • Is example application required?
  • Is module using an extension class?
  • Determine Cookiecutter variables:
    • Project name: Invenio-FunGenerator
    • Project shortname: invenio-fungenerator
    • Package name: invenio_fungenerator
    • GitHub repository: inveniosoftware/invenio-fungenerator
    • Description: (oneliner - get from e.g. README.rst)
    • Author name: CERN
    • Author email:
    • Year: (get earliest year from header of e.g.
    • Copyright holder: CERN
    • Copyright by intergovernmental: True
    • Superproject: Invenio
    • Transifex project: invenio-fungenerator
    • Extension class: (get from
    • Configuration prefix: (get from or

1.1 Proof read API

  • Check open GitHub Issues about module.
  • Read and understand API.
  • Check existing API methods for feature completeness and correctness.
  • Check if new API methods is needed.
  • Report anything that needs to be fixed on the GitHub repository.

2. Generate project structure using latest cookiecutter template

First we generate a new project skeleton structure using the latest cookiecutter template. We will later compare this skeleton with the current project structure to detect which files need changes.

First install click and cookiecutter if you don't already have them:

$ mkvirtualenv repocheck
$ pip install click cookiecutter

Next, generate the skeleton project structure (note that you will need to have the cookiecutter variables which was used initially ready - see previous section):

$ cookiecutter pathto/cookiecutter-invenio-module

3. Synchronize current project structure with new skeleton structure

Run the script in the cookiecutter-invenio-module:

$ python cookiecutter-invenio-module/scripts/ \
  pathto/current/invenio-fungenerator pathto/skeleton/invenio-fungenerator

3.1 Check and fix diffs:

Note: The diffs only help to identify which parts might not be in sync with the latest project structure. Changes cannot be applied blindly and should be carefully reviewed if needed or not.

  • .editorconfig
  • .tx/config (not needed if module does not require I18N - i.e. entire .tx directory can be removed)
  • AUTHORS.rst
  • CHANGES.rst
  • docs/
  • INSTALL.rst
  • {{package_name}}/
    • Should be sorted and without comments from auto-updates
    • Should NOT contain include *.py
  • README.rst

3.2 Check and fix almost identical files:

  • .dockerignore
  • .gitignore
  • babel.ini (not needed if module does not require I18N)
  • docs/authors.rst
  • docs/changes.rst
  • docs/configuration.rst (may need changes if module is e.g. split in many extensions)
  • docs/contributing.rst
  • docs/index.rst
  • docs/installation.rst
  • docs/license.rst
  • docs/make.bat
  • docs/Makefile
  • docs/requirements.txt (may need changes in order for Sphinx documentation to build correctly on Read The Docs).
  • docs/usage.rst
  • pytest.ini
  • setup.cfg (note following sections should be removed if no I18N is needed compile_catalog, extract_messages, init_catalog, update_catalog)

3.3 Check following files manually (by comparing and diff'ing with template):

  • ( will check some of the attributes)
    • same over all structure for file is used
    • package dependencies are sorted in alphabetical order
    • test_require: review packages and their version numbers needed for tests
    • extras_require.
    • setup_requires - Remove Babel if no I18N is needed.
    • install_requires - Remove Flask-Babel if no I18N is needed.
    • setup() attributes. Check keywords
    • entry_points: Sorted and makes sense?
    • classifiers: Ensure Python version classifiers match with tested versions in .travis.yml as well as 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
  • .travis.yml
  • tests/
    • Check instance_path and app fixtures. Should be using @pytest.yield_fixture and app fixture should create application context.
  • examples/
    • Remove if no example app is needed.
    • Top of file should be identical. Remaining part should create any fixtures needed by the example application.
  • examples/
    • Remove if no example app is needed.
    • Top of file should be identical. Remaining part should setup the base application, e.g. create instance directory.
  • examples/
    • Remove if no example app is needed.
    • Top of file should be identical. Remaining part should clean up any files created by the app and setup and fixtures scripts.
  • examples/
    • Remove if no example app is needed.
  • tests/
    • Remove if no example app is needed.
    • example_app fixture should be identical.
  • requirements-devel.txt
    • Important package dependencies should be listed here.
    • List of modules in.editorconfig:known_third_party should match 1-to-1 all devel requirements.
    • Check if all variables are used and documented
    • Check if any config variables are set up in extension, refactor to if possible.

4. Code improvements:

  • General code improvements
    • Check code quality all over the module
    • Does QualifiedCode report any errors that can be fixed?
    • Is the test coverage % sufficient across the whole module?
    • Is all core code (API, models) covered with unit test?
    • grep the module for "TODO"/"FIXME". Remove where no longer relevant.
  • Dependencies:
    • Remove unused dependencies in and requirements-devel.txt
    • Module should not depend on flask_cli nor should it instantiate FlaskCLI extension.
    • Change double bracket "string" to 'string' if you spot it anywhere.

5. Example app:

  • Example app should be documented in docstring.
  • Example app should run according to documentation.
  • Example app documentation should be visible in ReadTheDocs.

6. I18N

  • Are all strings decorated as translation strings?
  • Have all strings be tested for correct translation - e.g. lazy vs. immediate?
  • Does Transifex project exists (or is it removed if I18N is not needed).
  • Have message catalogue been uploaded to Transifex.

7. Documentation:

7.1 Write

  • General documentation:
    • Update feature description in README.rst
    • Document usage / getting started guide inside package docstring (see example).
    • Make config variables self-documented and imported in the package docs under 'Configuration' section (see example and example). Note: there's exceptions to this pattern for some modules.
    • Are all API methods, classes and modules plugged in the documentation as autodoc?
    • Add intersphinx mappings where convenient and make sure they work in compiled documentation (see reference and config).
    • Are chapter/section underline (i.e. ==== or -----) matching the length of the section/chapter title?
  • Functional documentation
    • Document all public methods (docstrings with description and types).
    • Methods and functions that accept **kwargs should document potential arguments and mention if they are passed to another function/method which provides documentation for them.
    • Document signals.

7.2 Review (read the compiled documentation A-Z)

  • Is all imported autodoc documentation being loaded correctly?
  • Do all pages and sections contain some text?
  • Are all links on the page (API class references, intersphinx links) resolvable?
  • Are all text and characters rendered correctly?
    • Non-breaking newlines going outside the page?
    • Strange characters, half-escaped style markers inside docstrings (*, **, )
  • Docs are compiled and assembled from multiple file/package docstings into single pages - is the assembled block of text easy to read? Unify the compiled text if possible.
  • Create a new virtual environment and follow the installation and then getting started guide - does it actually work as described? Add and improve documentation if the description is missing something.