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Performing Backup & Restore operations on your Plugin ($PLI) Validator node

This document aims to provide guidance on the usage of the scripts associated with performing manual backup & restore operations.

NOTE: There is no TL;DR section on this topic given the significance of operations being performed so please take the time to read the documentation

What files are backed up?

The following details clarify what we are backing up, but as part of the process all files are compressed using gunzip and then gpg encrypted.

- Conf files

All files in you $HOME folder with the 'plinode' prefix are selected for backup. This covers the following as an example;

  • node & backup vars files
  • exported node recovery keys json files

- Database files

Using the inbuilt postgres database utility, we take a full backup of the plugin node database "plugin_mainnet_db", which produces a single sql data file.

- File Encryption

As touched on above, all compressed backup files are gpg encrypted. The process follows the same approach as the actual node installation whereby the KEYSTORE PASSWORD is used to secure the backup files.

As you are already expected to have this password securely stored in your password manager / key safe, it was the logical method to employ rather than creating another strong password to have to store & document.

Exclusions disclaimer

The following files/folders are not currently backed up as part of this process;

  • pluginV2 folder

Where are my backup files stored?

When you manually run the backup script, the file are always written to the folder named "plinode_backups" which itself is located at the Root '/' folder.

Backups Folder is /plinode_backups

When should I run the backup script?

You should make your first backup after deploying the node and having completed the validation test job as part of node approval submission.

Follow up backups should be captured when you have added additional job spec configuration to the node.

CAUTION :: A backup is not guaranteed until you have performed a restore and validated the integrity of the data.

Performing a BACKUP

IMPORTANT :: Backups are stored locally on your VPS host. It is YOUR responsibility as a node operator to ensure these files are copied to another location off the local node so that you can recover the node in the event of disk corruption / failure.

Usage syntax

A brief explanation of the function syntax

    Usage: ./ {function}

    where {function} is one of the following;

          -full      ==  performs a local backup of both config & DB files only
          -conf      ==  performs a local backup of config files only
          -db        ==  performs a local backup of DB files only

          -scp       ==  displays the secure copy (scp) cmds to download backup files

The following commands will perform a FULL backup

./ -full

The following commands will perform a CONFIG files only backup

./ -conf

The following commands will perform a DATABASE only backup

./ -db

Secure Copy (SCP) backups file off your node

Following each backup the script will present the necessary command to remotely copy all the backup files from your node. This script will attempt to present as near complete a command set for the operator based on the local node configuration.

If ssh keys are detected & a non-default ssh port, then the script provides a near complete command set as shown below;

     The SCP commands to copy your Plugin node backup files is as follows:

                 INFO :: ssh-keys & non-std ssh port detected

     NOTE :: The following command(s) are based on the # of keys detected on this system
     NOTE :: the path to your private key file has been assumed - please update as needed

       scp -i ~/.ssh/bhcadmin.key -P 6222 bhcadmin@*.gpg ~/
       scp -i ~/.ssh/testuser123.key -P 6222 bhcadmin@*.gpg ~/


Check the backups folder contents

Once you have run any of the backup functions listed above, you may way to confirm that the files have been created successfully to verfiy the completion messages that the scripts provide.

To do this simply list the contents of the plinode_backups folder as follows;

ll /plinode_backups

You should see something similar to the following;

nmadmin@plitest:~/pli_node_conf$ ll /plinode_backups/
total 628
drwxrwxr-x  2 nmadmin nodebackup  4096 Apr 15 23:34 ./
drwxr-xr-x 21 nmadmin       1007  4096 Apr 12 22:43 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup  2658 Apr 12 22:43 plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_12_22_43.tar.gz.gpg
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup  2891 Apr 13 10:09 plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup  2924 Apr 15 22:52 plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_15_22_52.tar.gz.gpg
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup 28277 Apr 12 22:43 plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_43.sql.gz.gpg
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup 28763 Apr 12 22:54 plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_54.sql.gz.gpg
-rw-r--r--  1 nmadmin nodebackup 29059 Apr 15 22:52 plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_15_22_52.sql.gz.gpg

Performing a RESTORE

There are two approaches to the restore operation as set out below.

The in-place RESTORE

An 'in-place' restore is where you need to revert the node to a previous state, this could be either just the conf files or the database files or indeed both. This scenario does not invole the re-installation of the node deployment files.

This is not a very involved operation with minimal steps as follows;

  1. run the restore script as follows;

  2. Now to selecting the type & date-time stamp backup file to restore. You should be presented with a list of files similar to the following; NOTE :: The list of files that you see will be dependent on how many backups you have performed.

                 Showing last 8 backup files.
                 Select the number for the file you wish to restore
       1) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_12_22_43.tar.gz.gpg	       6) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_25.sql.gz.gpg
       2) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg	       7) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_29.sql.gz.gpg
       3) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_43.sql.gz.gpg  8) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql.gz.gpg
       4) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_54.sql.gz.gpg  9) QUIT
       5) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_21.sql.gz.gpg
  3. The code detects the file selection and calls the appropriate function to handle the file.

    i. If you choose a "conf" file then the script proceeds to restore the contents to the original location: $HOME An example of the output would be as follows;

             RESTORE MENU - Restoring file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg
             CONFIG FILES RESTORE....
          uncompressing gz file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz
          unpacking tar file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar

    ii. If you chose a "db" file you will then be presented with the scenario check message as follows; where you confirm which approach you wish to execute;

      ##  A Full Restore is ONLY where you have moved backup files to a FRESH / NEW VPS host
      ##  this includes where you have reset your previous VPS installation to start again..
      Are you performing a Full Restore to BLANK / NEW VPS? - Please answer (Y)es or (N)o 
  4. As this is an 'in-place' restore, we simply respond No to proceed. NOTE :: There is also a timer set on this input which presents the following message; before repeating to list the available files for restore.

       ....timed out waiting for user response - please select a file to restore...
  5. At this point you either select the file to restore or quit


The full restore approach targets the following scenarios;

  1. where a full rebuild of your current VPS host - using the "" script (soft reset)
  2. where a full rebuild of your current VPS host - using the control panel reset option of your VPS hosting portal (hard reset)
  3. migration of your node to another VPS hosting platform

With scenario 1. the assumption is that there is no movement of any backup files and they have remained intact in their default location of "/plinode_backups".

With scenarios 2. & 3. the assumption is that you have copied the relevant backup files to the original path "/plinode_backups" on your now reset / new VPS host.

All of these scenarios involved the installation of the node deployment files



  • The "vars" configuration file name structure uses the 'hostname' of the VPS where it was created. When migrating to a new VPS hosting platform be aware that the newly provisioned VPS will have a different 'hostname'.

  • To reduce effort it is recommended that you rename the restored conf files so that they are compatible with the scripts. See the renaming files section

  • The script will always restore to the location where the backup files originated. This is only a concern when performing a Full Restore. Operators should ensure that they maintain the same user account details when migrating.

How to perform a full restore

The process consists of 4 main steps;

  1. Perform system updates & clone the repo
  2. Setup system permissions
  3. Restore the conf files
  4. Perform a fresh node deployment install
  5. Restore the database

Setup system permissions

  1. To update your system & clone the deployment scripts from github, simply follow steps 1 through 4 of the Setting up a Plugin $PLI node - Automated Script Method & logon as your new admin user.

  2. With the necessary files copied to the fresh VPS under folder "/plinode_backups", we need to set the necessary file permissions so that the main scripts can execute. Lets get into the correct folder to run the scripts;

       cd ~/pli2vn
  3. Lets now run the setup script to ensure that the backup folder & permissions are in place;

  4. This will produce output to the terminal as it executes, the following is an example of what you can expect to see;

       nmadmin@plitest:~/pli2vn$ ./
       [sudo] password for nmadmin:

NOTE :: At this point you would copy the backup files onto the new VPS host, now that the backups folder has been re-created.

An example of this would be using SCP to copy between linux VPS e.g. Scenario 3 and copy backup files between 2 Linux VPS hosts

You will need to re-run the above setup script to reset the file permissions for the files that you have copied into the backups folder in order that the scripts will have the correct permissions to the files as part of the restore process.

Restore the conf files

  1. Now we progress to restore the "conf" files so that we have all our credentials and variables necessary for the re-install of the node software. During this step you will be prompted for your origianl KEYSTORE PASSWORD so best to have it to hand ready for pasting into the terminal.

  2. Lets kick off the "conf" files restore by running the main restore script;

  3. Now to selecting the type & date-time stamp backup file to restore. You should be presented with a list of files similar to the following; NOTE :: The list of files that you see will be dependent on how many backups you have performed.

                 Showing last 8 backup files.
                 Select the number for the file you wish to restore
       1) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_12_22_43.tar.gz.gpg	       6) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_25.sql.gz.gpg
       2) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg	       7) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_29.sql.gz.gpg
       3) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_43.sql.gz.gpg  8) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql.gz.gpg
       4) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_54.sql.gz.gpg  9) QUIT
       5) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_21.sql.gz.gpg
_NOTE :: The code detects the file selection and calls the appropriate function to handle the file._
  1. Choose a "conf" file then the script proceeds to restore the contents to the original location: $HOME An example of the output would be as follows;

              RESTORE MENU - Restoring file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg
              CONFIG FILES RESTORE....
           uncompressing gz file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz
           unpacking tar file: /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar

    INPORTANT REMINDER :: Be aware of changes to your systems hostname when migrating to a new VPS. At the very least you will need to rename the restored conf file to match your new VPS hostname.

    Checkout the renaming files section on how to change the vars filename.

Perform a fresh node deployment install

  1. We now have your original conf files restored & renamed the conf file to match your new VPS hostname (hostname -f)

Now we can perform a fresh node installation which will re-use those existing credentials & settings

        ./ full
  1. When the installation completes you will see the credentials & node address details output to the terminal screen. You should note that the node address is different from your original working node. This is where our db restore comes into play.


  3. Once the VPS has successfully rebooted, we then proceed to restore the database.

Restore the database

  1. Lets kick off the "db" file restore by running the main restore script;

  2. Now to selecting the type & date-time stamp backup file to restore. You should be presented with a list of files similar to the following; NOTE :: The list of files that you see will be dependent on how many backups you have performed.

                 Showing last 8 backup files.
                 Select the number for the file you wish to restore
       1) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_12_22_43.tar.gz.gpg	       6) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_25.sql.gz.gpg
       2) /plinode_backups/plitest_conf_vars_2022_04_13_10_09.tar.gz.gpg	       7) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_29.sql.gz.gpg
       3) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_43.sql.gz.gpg  8) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql.gz.gpg
       4) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_12_22_54.sql.gz.gpg  9) QUIT
       5) /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_08_21.sql.gz.gpg

NOTE :: The code detects the file selection and calls the appropriate function to handle the file.

  1. Choose a "db" file you will then be presented with the scenario check message as follows; where you confirm which approach you wish to execute;

          RESTORE MENU - Restoring file: /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql.gz.gpg
              ##      RESTORE SCENARIO CONFIRMATION...
              ##  A Full Restore is ONLY where you have moved backup files to a FRESH / NEW VPS host
              ##  this includes where you have reset your previous VPS installation to start again..
              Are you performing a Full Restore to BLANK / NEW VPS? - Please answer (Y)es or (N)o 
  2. As this is a full restore, we simply respond Yes to proceed.

    NOTE :: There is also a timer set on this input which presents the following message; before repeating to list the available files for restore.

       ....timed out waiting for user response - please select a file to restore...
  3. Having confirmed Yes to the scenario confirmation message, this sets a flag within the code the forces a rebuild of the External Initiator (EI) process. We see the script restore messages as follows;

          DB RESTORE.... unzip file name: /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql.gz
          DB RESTORE.... psql file name: /plinode_backups/plitest_plugin_mainnet_db_2022_04_13_10_05.sql
          DB RESTORE.... restarting service postgresql
       ..   DB RESTORE.... API connection responding - continuing
  4. There will be a short delay here where the script waits for the local node API to respond following the database service restart.

  5. The final message should be confirmation that the restore completed

  6. In order to validate that the restore was successful, we generate a dummy job for the local node, using the job script as follows;

  7. When prompted enter a dummy string beginning with either xdc or 0x as shown below;

       #   This script generates the necessary toml blob for the Job-Setup section in the docs
       #   source:
       #   The script removes the - hyphen from the original returned 'external_job_id' value
       #   The script checks for leading  / trailing white spaces and removes as necessary
       #   & converts the 'xdc' prefix to '0x' as necessary
       Enter your Oracle Contract Address :  xdc921A48BA16CD7Eea71F12676556F1b285f663137
  8. Having entered a valid OCA and hit enter, you will see further output as follows;

      INFO :: Successfully logged in with API credentials
      INFO :: Successfully created JOB ID cryptocompare_XDC_USD_test_2879
             Local node job id - Copy to your Solidity script
      Oracle Contract Address is :   0x921A48BA16CD7Eea71F12676556F1b285f663137
      Job cryptocompare_XDC_USD_test_2879 ID is :   1e9661f3160d4c7f8b95aeb011cfd515
  9. With a valid Job ID printed to the terminal you have validated that the db restore was successful.

  10. The final check is to confirm that the local Node Address is the same as before you reset / migrated your node. Do this by running the following command;

      ./ address
  11. This command with print the local Node Address to the terminal screen for you to check.

      nmadmin@plitest:~/pli2vn$ ./ address
      Successfully Logged In.
      Your Plugin node regular address is: 0xA840BE1D30F16EDb27a11e7835abaA606b00a87D
  12. FINAL VERIFICATION STEP As this is a production node restore, you should now proceed to complete the following steps;

- Perform a complete test job with valid OCA etc. as per the official docs
- confirm the local node balance for PLI & XDC tokens

NOTE :: Caution should be taken with the following steps as they will impact the success of running a restore

Renaming a VPS

By renaming the VPS it can potentially save on having to rename a number of files, which can possibly introduce further issues.

Back ground :: The deployment scripts use the following command; from which the filenames are derived.

    hostname -f

The above command sources the value from the following system setting "Static hostname"; using the command hostnamectl

    nmadmin@plitest:~$ hostnamectl
       Static hostname: plitest
             Icon name: computer-vm
               Chassis: vm
            Machine ID: c81f3d359a224cfba34b06e348e717aa
               Boot ID: 0f3571ddc762471ba83b09e6ea8e00cf
        Virtualization: vmware
      Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
                Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-105-generic
          Architecture: x86-64

So to change your systems "Static hostname" value, you need to run the following command; the example is renaming the system to 'plitest-renamed'

IMPORTANT :: Do NOT use any underscores "_" in your name as these introduce further considerations

-- Lets just Keep It Simple !!

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname plitest-renamed

Now verify the change using the command hostnamectl

    nmadmin@plitest:~$ hostnamectl
       Static hostname: plitest-renamed
             Icon name: computer-vm
               Chassis: vm
            Machine ID: c81f3d359a224cfba34b06e348e717aa
               Boot ID: 0f3571ddc762471ba83b09e6ea8e00cf
        Virtualization: vmware
      Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
                Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-105-generic
          Architecture: x86-64

All the above information has been sourced from the following article which will provide more detail; source: How to Set or Change Hostname in Linux

Once the 'Static hostname' has been changed, you must ensure that you also update the 'hosts' file.

Renaming files

In the scenario where the restore system is different from the original system where the backup files were created, you will need to update the main 'vars' file at a minimum. The file name structure adheres to the following structure;


Once the "conf" files are restored you should rename the file to match your current systems 'hostname' as follows;

  1. change in to the folder where the vars file is located - by default this is your users home folder.

       cd /$HOME
  2. now we rename the file to match the current system 'hostname'. The following example shows the original vars file of a host system named 'plitest';

       mv plinode_plitest.vars "plinode_$(hostname -f)".vars

Copy backup files between Linux VPS hosts

The following steps provide an example of how to move your backup files from the 'original' VPS to a new 'target' VPS.

As set out above in other parts of this documentation, the following steps assume that you have maintained the same username & password on the 'target' VPS as was used on the 'original' VPS. If this is not the case then you should adjust appropriately.

  1. Logon to your new 'target' VPS with your user admin account.

  2. From the 'target' VPS run the following command;

       scp -P 5329 bhcadmin@*.gpg ~/
    • This will connect into the 'original' VPS, using the specified -P port number and copy the backup files to the 'target' VPS. The following exmaple shows the admin user account as bhcadmin with the IP address of the 'original' VPS.

    • The :/plinode_backups/*.gpg portion of the command is the backups folder where we know our backup scripts create the back files to. We also know that the created backup files are encrypted with the extension gpg, so we copy all the gpg files.

    • The final portion of the command ~/ is the linux alias for the user home folder and represents the home folder on the 'target' VPS to where you are copying the files.

If using ssh keys then there is an extra parameter -i ~/.ssh/my_user.key that you need to include in the command, as follows;

  scp -i ~/.ssh/my_user.key -P 5329 my_user@original_vps_ip:/plinode_backups/*.gpg ~/