- samples/demo-rest-app - A very simple JAX-RS Jersey project, including test class driven by Jersey Test Framework and TestNg.
- samples/demo-rest-springdi - Simple JAX-RS Jersey project with Spring Integration, including test class driven by Jersey Test Framework and TestNg.
- samples/springboot-jersey-server - Sample project to demonstrate Jax-RS based REST service implementation using Jersey powered by Spring Boot.
- Host - localhost
- Port - 8090
- Context - http://localhost:8090/demo/
- WADL - http://localhost:8090/demo/rest-api/application.wadl
- Test - http://localhost:8090/demo/rest-api/test
- Contacts - http://localhost:8090/demo/rest-api/contacts
- samples/springboot-mvcrest-server - Sample project to demonstrate Spring MVC based REST service implementation powered by Spring Boot.
- Host - localhost
- Port - 8092
- Context - http://localhost:8092/demo/
- Test - http://localhost:8092/demo/rest-api/test
- Contacts - http://localhost:8092/demo/rest-api/contacts
- mvn clean install
- mvn spring-boot:run
- references/rest - Includes Presentation in PDF that outlines the basic concepts and usage of RESTful Web Services.
- references/maven - Includes Maven: The Complete Reference and Glossary in PDF