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Switch scalability test with active MT Cbench switches

Konstantinos Papadopoulos edited this page May 18, 2018 · 48 revisions

Test description

This is a switch scalability test with switches emulated using MT-Cbench. Its target is to explore the maximum number of switches the controller can sustain while they consistently initiate traffic to it (active), and how the controller servicing throughput scales as more switches are being added. MT-Cbench switches send artificial OF1.0 Packet-In messages to the controller, which replies with also artificial OF1.0 Flow-Mod messages; these message types dominate the traffic exchanged between the switches and the controller. The controller should be configured to start with the drop-test feature installed to be able to reply to MT-Cbench messages. The emulated switches are arranged in a disconnected topology, meaning they do not have any interconnection between them. This, along with the limited protocol support, constitute MT-Cbench a special-purpose OF generator and not a full-fledged, realistic OF switch emulator.


A switch scalability test with active MT-Cbench switches can be started by specifying the following options in NSTAT command line:

  • --test=sb_active_scalability
  • --sb-generator-base-dir=<MT-Cbench dir>

The MT-Cbench dir defined as value of --sb-generator-base-dir parameter, is under the path emulators/mt-cbench. The full path of this location should be given, as this value will be used as base path for the location of other files related to MT-Cbench in test. Under the stress_test/sample_test_confs/<controller_name>/ directories, the JSON files ending in _sb_active_scalability_mtcbench can be handled as template configuration files for this kind of test scenario. You can specify them to the --json-config option to run a sample test. For larger-scale stress tests, have a look at the corresponding files under the stress_test/stress_test_confs/<controller_name>/ directories.

Nodes deployment

For this test 3 nodes are required.

  • NSTAT node
  • controller node
  • SouthBound emulator node (MT-Cbench)

In order to deploy these nodes, based on docker containers, we have two options

  • download the prebuilt environment from DockerHub
  • build your own container locally using the provided Dockerfiles for proxy and no-proxy environments, under the path deploy/docker

In both cases, docker has to be installed and any user that will manipulate docker containers, must be added to the docker group. To deploy the required nodes, see installation wiki.

After deployment of docker nodes, update the NSTAT repository using the following steps

  • open a new terminal and execute the command

    docker ps -a

    the output of the above command will be similar to the following

     CONTAINER ID       IMAGE                                  COMMAND               CREATED              STATUS              PORTS    NAMES
     4c05473bb7c8       intracom/nstat-sdn-controllers:proxy   "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   22/tcp   controller
     72e4572878e2       intracom/mtcbench:proxy                "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   22/tcp   mtcbench
     60db64735a26       intracom/nstat:proxy                   "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   22/tcp   nstat

    get the container names of all docker containers you created

  • for each docker ID execute the following command

       docker exec -i $container_name /bin/bash -c "rm -rf /opt/nstat; \
          cd /opt; \
          until git clone -b master; do \
              echo 'Fail git clone NSTAT. Sleep for $WAIT_UNTIL_RETRY and retry'; \

    where you should replace the $container_name with the container name of the corresponded docker node, acquired from previous step.

Download the prebuild environment

Edit json test configuration file

The IP addresses of all deployed VMs and the credentials to open SSH connections, must be configured in the json configuration file of the sample test we want to run. This action must be done in nstat_node.

  • Run the command

    docker ps -a

    to get container names of

    • NSTAT node
    • Controller node
    • SouthBound emulator node (MT-Sbench)
  • Get IP Addresses of all nodes

    docker exec -i $container_name /bin/bash -c "ifconfig"
  • SSH into nstat_node

    ssh root@<NSTAT_node_ip>

    the password to connect is root123.

  • Edit json file /opt/nstat/stress_test/sample_test_confs/boron/boron_RPC_sb_active_scalability_mtcbench.json and change the following lines changing IP addresses and SSH credentials:


Download the prebuild environment

Run the test

In order to run the test

  • Open a new terminal and execute the following command

    docker exec -i nstat /bin/bash -c "export PYTHONPATH=/opt/nstat; source /opt/venv_nstat/bin/activate; \
    python3.4 /opt/nstat/stress_test/ \
      --test=sb_active_scalability \
      --ctrl-base-dir=/opt/nstat/controllers/odl_boron_pb/ \
      --sb-emulator-base-dir=/opt/nstat/emulators/sbemu/mtcbench/ \
      --json-config=/opt/nstat/stress_test/sample_test_confs/boron/boron_RPC_sb_active_scalability_mtcbench.json \
      --json-output=/opt/nstat/results.json \
      --html-report=/opt/nstat/report.html \

Inspect results

Once test execution is over, inspect the results under


Configuration keys

The configuration keys that must be specified in the JSON configuration file are:

Config key type description
nstat_node_ip string IP Address of the NSTAT VM
nstat_node_ssh_port string the ssh port of the NSTAT VM
nstat_node_username string username for ssh login in the NSTAT VM
nstat_node_password string password for ssh login in the NSTAT VM
controller_name string name of the used controller. This value is used in Controller Factory method to return the appropriate controller object. For this test it should be ODL
controller_node_ip string IP Address of the Controller VM
controller_node_ssh_port string The ssh port of the Controller VM
controller_node_username string Username for ssh login in the Controller VM
controller_node_password string Password for ssh login in the Controller VM
sb_emulator_name string The name of SouthBound emulator. This value is used in Generator Factory method to return the appropriate SouthBound emulator object. For this test it should be MTCBENCH
sb_emulator_node_ip string IP Address of the MT-Cbench VM
sb_emulator_node_ssh_port string The ssh port of the MT-Cbench VM
sb_emulator_node_username string username for ssh login in the MT-Cbench VM
sb_emulator_node_password string password for ssh login in the MT-Cbench VM
controller_build_handler string executable for building controller (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter). It fetches all controller handlers from nstat-sdn-controllers repository
controller_clean_handler string executable for cleaning up controller directory (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_get_handler string executable for downloading the controller prebuild version from its repository and extracts it.
controller_start_handler string executable for starting controller (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_stop_handler string executable for stopping controller (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_status_handler string executable for querying controller status (relative to ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_statistics_handler string executable for changing the period that the controller collects topology statistics (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_persistent_handler string disables persistence of controller. This can be acchieved by adding the attribute persistent=false in file <controller_base_dir>/etc/org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.cfg
controller_oper_hosts_handler string makes a RESTCALL to the NorthBound interface of the controller in order to get the number of hosts from the operational datastore
controller_oper_links_handler string makes a RESTCALL to the NorthBound interface of the controller in order to get the number of links from the operational datastore
controller_oper_switches_handler string makes a RESTCALL to the NorthBound interface of the controller in order to get the number of switches from the operational datastore
controller_oper_flows_handler string makes a RESTCALL to the NorthBound interface of the controller in order to get the number of flows from the operational datastore
controller_flowmods_conf_handler string configures the controller plugins to respond with flow modifications on any PacketIN message with ARP payload
controller_logs_dir string controllers logs directory (relative to --ctrl-base-dir command line parameter)
controller_port number controller port number where OF switches should connect
controller_statistics_period_ms array of numbers controller different statistics period values (in (ms))
sb_emulator_build_handler string executable for building MT-Cbench (relative to --sb-emulator-base-dir command line parameter)
sb_emulator_run_handler string executable for running MT-Cbench (relative to --sb-emulator-base-dir command line parameter)
sb_emulator_clean_handler string executable for cleaning up MT-Cbench (relative to --sb-emulator-base-dir command line parameter)
sb_emulator_cleanup boolean whether to cleanup MT-Cbench after test completion
mtcbench_simulated_hosts array of numbers _number of hosts (MACs) simulated by the MT-Cbench
mtcbench_threads array of numbers number of total MT-Cbench threads
mtcbench_switches_per_thread array of numbers number of OF switches simulated per MT-Cbench thread
mtcbench_thread_creation_delay_ms array of numbers delay (in ms) between creation of consecutive MT-Cbench threads
mtcbench_delay_before_traffic_ms array of numbers delay (in ms) before MT-Cbench threads start transmitting OF traffic
mtcbench_mode string MT-Cbench mode ("Latency" or "Throughput")
mtcbench_warmup number number of initial internal iterations that should be treated as "warmup" and are not considered when computing aggregate performance results
mtcbench_ms_per_test number duration (in ms) of generator internal iteration
mtcbench_internal_repeats number number of internal iterations during traffic transmission where performance and other statistics are sampled
java_opts array of strings Java options to initialize JAVA_OPTS env variable
test_repeats number number of external iterations for a test, i.e. the number of times a test should be repeated to derive aggregate results (average, min, max, etc.)
plots array of plot objects configurations for plots to be produced after the test

The array-valued configuration keys shown in bold are the test dimensions of the test scenario. The stress test will be repeated over all possible combinations of their values.

The most important configuration keys are

  • mtcbench_threads
  • mtcbench_switches_per_thread
  • mtcbench_thread_creation_delay_ms

These keys determine the parameters for progressively booting switches into an SDN network, allowing in this way to find the combination of values for booting a topology of certain size, optimally. The values of mtcbench_threads and mtcbench_switches_per_thread, define the overall number of network nodes (topology size), connected on the controller. This number is equal to (mtcbench_threads * mtcbench_switches_per_thread).

Plot configuration

See the plotting page.

Result keys

The result keys produced by this kind of test scenario and which can be used subsequently to generate custom plots, are the following:

Result key type description
global_sample_id number unique (serial) ID for this sample
timestamp number unique timestamp for this sample
date string date this sample was taken
test_repeats number number of times the test was repeated (for reliability reasons)
repeat_id number ID for the external iteration of this sample
mtcbench_internal_repeats number number of internal iterations during traffic transmission where performance and other statistics were sampled
internal_repeat_id number ID for the internal MT-Cbench iteration corresponding to this sample
throughput_responses_sec number controller measured throughput (responses/sec)
mtcbench_simulated_hosts number number of hosts (MACs) simulated by the MT-Cbench
mtcbench_switches number total number of MT-Cbench simulated switches (equals to #threads*#switches_per_thread
mtcbench_threads number number of total MT-Cbench threads
mtcbench_switches_per_thread number number of OF switches simulated per MT-Cbench thread
mtcbench_thread_creation_delay_ms number delay (in ms) between creation of consecutive threads
mtcbench_delay_before_traffic_ms number delay (in ms) before MT-Cbench threads start transmitting OF traffic
mtcbench_ms_per_test number duration (in ms) of MT-Cbench internal iteration
mtcbench_warmup number number of initial internal iterations that were treated as "warmup" and are not considered when computing aggregate performance results
mtcbench_mode string generator mode (Latency or Throughput)
controller_node_ip string controller IP address where OF switches were connected
controller_port number controller port number where OF switches should connect
controller_java_xopts array of strings controller Java optimization flags (-X)
one_minute_load number one-minute average system load
five_minute_load number five-minute average system load
fifteen_minute_load number fifteen-minute average system load
used_memory_bytes number system used memory in bytes
total_memory_bytes number system total memory in bytes
controller_cpu_shares number the percentage of CPU resources of the physical machine, allocated to the controller process
controller_cpu_system_time number CPU system time for controller
controller_cpu_user_time number CPU user time for controller
controller_num_threads number number of controller threads measured when this sample was taken
controller_num_fds number number of open file descriptors measured when this sample was taken
controller_statistics_period_ms number the interval (in ms) of the statistics period of the controller

The result key in bold (throughput_responses_sec) is the main performance metric produced by this test scenario.

Sample experimental results

The following figures show sample results from switch scalability stress tests with the OpenDaylight controller operating in two modes:

  • RPC mode: the controller is configured to directly reply to the switches with a predefined Flow-Mod message at the OpenFlow plugin level (use of handler)
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