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58 lines (38 loc) · 3 KB

Contributing to CausalQueries

🎉 Welcome to our contribution guidelines and thank you for your interest in contributing!

Reporting a bug

Before you report a bug make sure the same bug hasn't been reported before. We track bugs as issues on GitHub. If no related issue has been opened, create an issue keeping in mind the following guidelines:

  • Use an informative title
  • Write a minimal working example that allows us to reproduce the bug you found
  • If the bug you're reporting crashes your R session, please mention that in the title

Contributing code

You have had a look at our issues on GitHub and would like to solve one of them? or you would like to develop a feature? That's great and we gladly welcome that. We just would like to suggest you follow these simple guidelines:

  • Fork the CausalQueries repository
  • Clone your fork locally
  • Always be up to date with the master branch
  • Add your edits
  • Run and pass devtools::check()
  • Reach a 100% coverage covr::package_coverage()
  • Add yourself as a contributor in the DESCRIPTION file
  • Open a pull request

Note: members of the CausalQueries dev team can skip the first two bullet points above and branch out instead.

Updating or writing vignettes

As vignettes making use of update_model() may have long run-/compile times and we wish to minimize time and resource demands both when testing an deploying CausalQueries; vignette writing and updating makes use of a slightly modified workflow. Vignettes are complied locally from a vignette-name.Rmd.orig file; its outputs are dumped to the vignette folder and a vignette-name.Rmd file with non-executable code chunks is constructed from these outputs. This workflow is handled via the build_vignettes() function in the package.

Whether you update an existing vignette or write a new one be sure to give your code chunks (particularly those producing plots) unique and ìnformative names.

If you wish to add a new vignette please proceed as follows:

  • write your vignette as a R markdown file with executable code chunks + formatting in the normal fashion
  • save this file as vignette-name.Rmd.orig in the vignettes folder (replace vignette-name with your desired vignette name here)
  • run build_vignettes() specifying the name of your vignette without any file extension as an optional argument i.e. build_vignettes("vignette-name")
  • add your vignette's name as a default in the vignettes argument of build_vignettes()
  • add your vignette-name.Rmd.orig to the .Rbuildignore file like so ^vignette-name.Rmd.orig$
  • push changes to github

If you wish to update an existing vignette proceed as follows:

  • make desired changes in the vignette-name.Rmd.orig file
  • run build_vignettes()
  • push changes to github