All events held by Inside Conf are aimed at raising the technical level of technology communities, building collaborative networks among professionals, sharing knowledge and creating opportunities.
This Code of Conduct applies to all Inside Conf events, to all community members, and to anyone who chooses to be involved in our events. The goal is to protect the public from harm and moral hazard.
Inside Conf is dedicated to promoting a respectful and harassment-free community for everyone. We do not tolerate any form of harassment or intimidation of any participant in our events and training, whether audience, speakers, contributors, or any community members.
Everyone should not use images, activities or materials of sexual, racist, homophobic, transphobic, pejorative and / or discriminatory content of any kind.
Harassment means, without limitation, offensive, verbal or electronic comments related to personal characteristics or choices, racial origin, gender, as well as sexual, racist, homophobic, transphobic or discriminatory comments or images of any kind in public or digital spaces, deliberate intimidation, bullying, stalking, tracking, embarrassing photographs or recordings, repeated interruptions of lectures, chats, electronic meetings, physical meetings or other events, inappropriate physical contact or unwanted sexual attention.
Participants are expected to promptly comply with requests to discontinue any harassment or bullying behavior. Be kind to others. Do not insult or offend other participants. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment, sexism, racism or exclusion are never appropriate, no matter where.
Any participant who violates these rules may be invited to withdraw from the event immediately, at the sole discretion of the organizers, without prejudice to other appropriate legal measures.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, event representatives may take appropriate action from warnings to the offender to prohibiting their participation in other events promoted by Inside Conf.
If you are harassed, perceive that someone is being harassed, or have other concerns, please act to intercept or ask the event organizers or representatives to bring the matter under the care of the organization.
We are confident that this policy will help make all our events a more welcoming and integrating space for all.