- The project demonstrates the following concepts of ANTLR4 considering the "Calculator" example using the Python language:
- Grammar
- Lexer
- Parser
- Difference between Visitor and Listener
- Requirements
- Python 3
- Java
- Download the antlr jar into
cd /usr/local/lib
curl -O http://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.13.1-complete.jar
- Add the path in the
export CLASSPATH="/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.13.1-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"
- Create alias to use ANTLR tools with a shorter command
alias antlr4=' java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.13.1-complete.jar'
- Create a Python virtual environment
virtualenv path/to/venv/antlr_env
- Activate the virtual environment
source path/to/venv/antlr_env/bin/activate
- Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To generate lexer, parser, listener, and visitor files from the grammar execute the command:
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -visitor antlr/Calculator.g4
- To visualize the parsed input as tree execute the command (here "3+5*(2-8)" is considered as an example expression)
- Press Ctrl+D additionally after typing the expression (if you can not see the tree visualization directly)
antlr4-parse antlr/Calculator.g4 expression -gui
- To evaluate an expression using visitor execute the command:
python3 calculate_with_visitor.py 3+5*(2-8)
- You should get the output
The result of '3+5*(2-8)' is: -27
- To evaluate an expression using listener execute the command:
python3 calculate_with_listener.py 3+5*(2-8)
- You should get the output
The result of '3+5*(2-8)' is: -27