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Pipeline to preprocess raw T1w and fMRI data, normalize it to the standard MNI152 space and extract the blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals and corresponding functional connectivity (FC).


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Containerized Functional MRI data preprocessing pipeline


  1. To use this containerized pipeline, please install 'singularity' on your computing system.

  2. Filesa: Container_sMRI_rfMRI.simg (This container uses a combination of tools from well-known software packages, including FSL (, ANTs (, and AFNI (

3. Additional files

antsTemp: The folder includes prior brain extraction template for MNI152_T2_1mm.nii.gz/MNI152_T2_1mm_brain.nii.gz: The template images for T2w image processings.

The additional files have been included in the container. AntsTemp is highly recommended to be stored in the directory of Ants. MNI152_T2_1mm.nii.gz and MNI152_T2_1mm_brain.nii.gz are suggested to be stored in the $FSLDIR/data/standard.



The containerized fMRI pipeline consists of 4 modules: sMRI model, functional minimal preprocessing model, enhanced preprocessing model, and signal extraction model. To execute this container models, the singularity function and two arguments should be defined. Example:

singularity exec --bind /mount/path:/mnt Container_sMRI_rfMRI.simg $subject

The first argument specifies all necessary parameters for preprocessing and the second one specifies the subject ID.

An example of a is as followed.

2. Input variables

# ---------------
#module selection
Module load: default settings for software within the container. Don’t change it.
Model selection: select the models you want to use (1 = on; 0 = off).

#Path settings. 
Orig=/mnt/path/to/raw_data      #Raw data path. The raw data path should have a data structure as below.
|-- ${subject}
|   |--T1--session1--nifti (T1w) 
|   |-- rfMRI--session1--nifti (Rest)
|   |-- Parad--session1--nifti (Task)

sMRI=/mnt/path/to/sMRI          #sMRI output path
fMRI=/mnt/path/to/fMRI          #fMRI output path
ANTSTEMP=/path/to/ants/priors   #brain extraction template for ants (used only for ants brain extraction).
atlas=/mnt/path/to/atlas        #the path to the atlas.
Pipelines=/usr/local/bin        #script path within the container.

atlasname=Schaefer              #the name of the atlas.
postfix=nii.                    #Raw data postfix, in case of different dcm2nii software.

#sMRI model parameter.
T2w=0                       #if T2w used, set 1; if not, set 0.
Session=1                   #session number of dataset (1 = 1 session, 2 = 2 sessions).
Concat=0:                   #If the structural images are scanned with 2 sessions. Only used ( Concat = 1), when $Session=2.
Standard*:                  default MNI paths within FSL (for registration, don't change it).
BrainSize=150               #Z-axis for cropping (150-180), remove the long neck.
biascorr=0                  #bias correction for structural images (1 = on, 0 = off). Note, you don't perform it in this version, antsBrainExtraction is applied, which has bias correction, so that you don't need to do bias correction twice.
StructuralNormalization=2   #different normalization ways (1 for FSL, 2 for ANTs).
Threads=5                   #only used for ANTs registration, consistent with paralleling threads.

#Note: sMRI model should be performed first. The brain extracted structural images will be used for other models.

#Minimal model parameter. 
TR=2            #repeat time.
exvol=4         #exclusion volumes. 
Slicetiming=1   #correct slice timing differences (1 = on, 0 = off), it's optional.

#Note: Slice timing correction should be selected by your slice-order. In this case, our data was scanned by bottom-up order. The images with *norm* is the output for this model.

#Enhanced model parameter. 
Smoothing=1         #smooth epi images (1 = on, 0 = off), it's optional. 
SmoothingFWHM=8     #the kernel of smoothing, which is commonly 2 or 3 times of the voxel-size. 
TemporalFilter=1    #filter frequency-band signals (1 = on, 0 = off). Its' optional.
lowbands=0.01       #low-pass
highbands=0.1       #high-pass

CovarianceRegression=1: regress out covariances (1 = on, 0 = off). It's optional.
Covariances: 27         #Sevearal options are available. 24 = only regress out 24 head-motion parameters, 25 = regress out 24 head-motion parameters + global singals, 26 = 24 head-motion parameters + WM + CSF signals, 27 = 24 head-motion parameters + CSF + Global + WM signals.

#Note: For saving the space, final output of this model is filtered_func_data.nii.gz. 

#Singal extraction model parameter.


If you have a problem to use the containerized pipeline. Please feel free to contact Shufei Zhang (


This development was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement VirtualBrainCloud (H2020-EU., grant no. 826421).


Pipeline to preprocess raw T1w and fMRI data, normalize it to the standard MNI152 space and extract the blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals and corresponding functional connectivity (FC).







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