The iBus is the central commmunication component in a InGrid System. It handles the communication to other InGrid components and provides several interfaces to access data in the InGrid data space.
- manages communication to other InGrid components
- provides several interfaces to access data in the InGrid data space
- provides message routing within the InGrid communication
- enables/disables connected iPlugs
- GUI for easy administration
- a running InGrid Software System
Download from
build from source with mvn clean package
java -jar ingrid-ibus-x.x.x-installer.jar
and follow the install instructions.
Obtain further information at
ProxyPass /ibus-gui/ http://:/ ProxyPassReverse /ibus-gui/ http://:/
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
You need an external elasticsearch node you want to store your indexed documents. Make sure to have the following properties correctly configured:
- elastic.remoteHosts
- (
You can use the pre-configured docker image by calling
docker-compose up -d elastic
There's also an Elasticsearch image with indices and documents. You can use it by modifying the docker-compose.yml file and setting the following image instead:
If you want to compare search results with an older iBus version, then you can define the old version inside the docker-compose.yml and run the iBus container
docker-compose up -d ibus
Afterwards you can access the defined iBus with http://localhost:8888. This one can run parallel to your local development version.
- add project as Maven-module
- add "src/test/resources" to dependency class-directory
- mark directory "target/frontend" as Resources
- run
Import this project as Maven-Project and add the folder "src/test/resources" to the classpath for the run configuration. The configuration can be done in the file under the test resources.
Run as Java
or with maven
mvn spring-boot:run
- execute
mvn package
to build the frontend and let it copy to the resource directory - add
to class path - the admin gui starts in this sample on port 8100
To start a local server for the angular application call:
cd frontend npm install # only once npm start
Afterwards the server can be accessed through http://localhost:4200. Doing any change on the sources the browser will be automatically updated.
If you are having issues, please let us know:
The project is licensed under the EUPL license.