This page describes the way in which ZAC integrates with the Open Formulieren component.
There are multiple ways to create a new zaak. The most standard way involves Open Formulieren and works as follows:
- A citizen submits a specific zaak request form (or 'zaakstartformulier') in Open Formulieren.
Technically this submitted form constitutes a 'product request'. Upon submitting the form, the following happens:
- The completed form is saved as a PDF document in Open Zaak.
- The content of the form is also saved in a structured format (JSON) as Product Request in Objecten.
- The BSN obtained via DigiD from the citizen is also stored in the Product Request. Creating the Product Request object in Objecten ensures that a notification is sent to Open Notifications. Note that Open Formulieren does not make a request to Objecttypes in this scenario.
- ZAC has a subscription to these Product Request notifications, which means that Open Notifications forwards the notification to ZAC.
After receiving the notification of creating a new Product Request, the following happens in ZAC:
- The Product Request is retrieved from Objecten.
- Based on the type of Product Request, the zaak type is determined, and a zaak is created in Open Zaak. Note that this entails multiple requests to Open Zaak to create the related zaak data like zaakrolle, etcetera. For simplicity, this is not shown in the diagram.
- The Product Request is linked to the zaak.
- The existing PDF document of the completed form is linked to the zaak in Open Zaak.
- The BSN or Chamber of Commerce number from the Product Request is used to link a Role of the type Applicant to the zaak. The BSN or establishment number is stored with the Role.
- A CMMN Case (process) is started for the zaak. The started CMMN Case is derived from the zaak type and can be configured in ZAC using zaak handling parameters.
This flow is visualised in the following sequence diagram:
actor Citizen
box ZAC landscape
participant OpenFormulieren
participant Objecten
participant OpenZaak
participant OpenNotificaties
participant ZAC
Citizen->>+OpenFormulieren: Submit 'case request' form
OpenFormulieren->>+OpenZaak: Store submitted form as PDF
OpenFormulieren->>+Objecten: Store submitted form data as product request
Objecten->>-OpenNotificaties: Send notification "product request created"
OpenNotificaties->>+ZAC: Send notification "product request created"
ZAC->>+Objecten: Retrieve product request
ZAC->>+OpenZaak: Create case
ZAC->>+OpenZaak: Link product request to case
ZAC->>+OpenZaak: Link PDF document to case
ZAC->>+OpenZaak: Link applicant to case
ZAC->>+ZAC: Start CMMN case