This project is an LSP (Language Server Protocol) for ogre3d scripts (materials, fonts, particles, etc)
Base on the LSP specifications from microsoft:
Language specifications can be found on the ogre3d documentation:
For CLion you can use the plugin Ogre3d Scripts
Note: The plugin repository can be found here:
Use the next configuration to setting up the LS in nvim:
extension = {
material = "material",
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
desc = 'LSP start',
pattern = { "material" },
callback = function()
print("Started server")
name = 'ogre3d-script-lsp',
cmd = { '~/ogre_scripts_LSP', '-l' },
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({ 'resources.cfg' }, { upward = true })[1])
Note: the cmd option is pointing to the LSP binary on home. Be sure you have downloaded the plugin latest release to this folder.
- .material
- .program
- .particle
- .compositor
- .os
- .overlay
Note: work in progress
- textDocument/formatting (formatting requests)
- textDocument/rangeFormatting (range formatting requests)
- textDocument/definition (go to definition requests)
- textDocument/publishDiagnostics (diagnostic notification)
- textDocument/declaration (go to declaration request)
- textDocument/hover (hover information requests)
- textDocument/completion (code completion requests)
Note: work in progress
- stdio
This command will build the application directly on your /usr/local/bin/
# build project directly to /usr/local/bin/
script = <script_body> | <script_body> <script>
script_body = <program> | <material>
// program definition
program = <program_type> <identifier> <identifier>* <left_curly_bracket_tk> <program_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
program_type = <fragment_program_tk> | <vertex_program_tk> | <geometry_program_tk> | <tessellation_hull_program_tk> | <tessellation_domain_program_tk> | <compute_program_tk>
program_body = <param_line> | <program_default>
program_default = <default_params_tk> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <program_default_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
program_default_body = <param_line> | <shared_params_ref>
// import definition
import = <import_tk> <import_opt> <from_tk> <import_source>
import_opt = <asterisk_tk> | <identifier>
import_source = <string_literal> | <identifier>
// shared params definition
shared_params = <shared_params_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <shared_params_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
shared_params_body = <param_line>
// sampler definition
sampler = <sampler_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <sampler_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
sampler_body = <param_line>
// abstract block
abstract = <abstract_tk> <abstract_opt>
abstract_opt = <abstract_pass> | <abstract_technique> | <abstract_texture> | <abstract_material>
abstract_material = <material_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
abstract_technique = <technique_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_technique_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
abstract_pass = <pass_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_pass_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
abstract_texture = <texture_unit_tk> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_texture_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
// .material scripts
material = <material_tk> <top_object_definition> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_body = <material_technique> | <param_line>
material_technique = <technique_tk> <object_definition>? <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_technique_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_technique_body = <material_pass> | <param_line>
technique_shadow_material = <technique_shadow_material_type> <idendifier>
technique_shadow_material_type = <shadow_receiver_material_tk> | <shadow_caster_material_tk>
material_pass = <pass_tk> <object_definition>? <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_pass_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_pass_body = <param_line> | <material_texture> | <material_program>
material_texture = <texture_unit_tk> <object_definition>? <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_texture_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_texture_body = <param_line> | <sampler_ref> | <material_rtshader> | <material_texture_source>
sampler_ref = <sampler_ref> <identifier>
material_rtshader = <rtshader_system_tk> <object_definition>? <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_rtshader_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_rtshader_body = <param_line>
material_texture_source = <texture_source_tk> <object_definition>? <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_texture_source_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_texture_source_body = <param_line>
material_program = <material_progarm_type> <identifier> <left_curly_bracket_tk> <material_program_body>* <right_curly_bracket_tk>
material_program_type = <vertex_program_ref_tk> | <fragment_program_ref_tk> | <geometry_program_ref_tk> | <tessellation_hull_program_ref_tk> | <tessellation_domain_program_ref_tk> | <compute_program_ref_tk>
material_program_body = <param_line> | <shared_params_ref>
shared_params_ref = <shared_params_ref_tk> <identifier>
// common implementations
param_line = <param><endl_tk> | <param> <param_line>
param = <identifier> | <match_literal> | <string_literal> | <number_literal> | <variable> | <comma_tk>
object_definition = <top_object_definition> | <match_literal> | <numer_literal>
top_object_definition = <definition_opt> | <definition_opt> <colon_tk> <definition_opt>
definition_opt = <identifier> | <string_literal>
- ci/cd build and deploy released versions
- competition support
- highlight support
- include http client-server communication support
Any contribution is welcome.