Polygon is an Ethereum layer 2 chain. It uses the technology of Optimistic Rollups to accelerate work on Ethereum.
It gathers job from several sources, users ... and group all the results in a single transaction that will be written on Ethereum chain.
Fees are then cheaper and scalability is better.
Solidity smart contracts can be deployed as on Ethereum without any change.
- Go to https://chainlist.org/
- Click on Connect wallet to connect Metamask
- In search form, enter polygon and activate Testnets switch.
- Look for Mumbai, this is the Polygon testnet. Click on Add to Metamask and follow instructions.
The Polygon Mumbai testnet is now connected to Metamask.
Your Polygon/Mumbai address and private key are the same as on Ethereum networks.
First, on Metamask, switch network to Mumbai.
Then, we need some MATIC, the Polygon cryptocurrency, to pay transaction fees.
- Got to faucet https://faucet.polygon.technology/
- Select Mumbai network
- Select token MATIC token
- Paste wallet address, submit and confirm
Mumbai RPC URL: https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/
SSOSession smart contract address on Mumbai: 0x209144decd2b3a0a2bc943baa29d3b28e221bfdf
Viewer: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x209144decd2b3a0a2bc943baa29d3b28e221bfdf