Install and configure a database server. Then create a schema for IAM with a dedicated username and password. Take note of the database hostname, schema, username and password: they will used later in Puppet manifest.
This module require Puppet version >= 4.10.
Platform supported:
- CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 16.04
Relax SELinux, setting permissive
in /etc/sysconfig/selinux
and rebooting the machine.
Install Puppet repository and package. On Centos:
$ sudo yum install -y
$ sudo yum install -y redhat-lsb puppet-agent
On Ubuntu:
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i puppet5-release-xenial.deb
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-get install puppet-agent
Install Indigo IAM Puppet module:
$ wget
$ puppet module install cnaf-indigo_iam-0.1.0.tar.gz
Write a manifest with setting IAM parameters. For example, the following manifest sets up IAM Login Service and a reverse proxy to serve IAM on SSL:
$server = ''
$base_url = "https://${server}"
class { 'indigo_iam':
iam_base_url => $base_url,
iam_issuer => "${base_url}/",
iam_db_host => 'localhost',
iam_db_schema => 'iam_login_service',
iam_db_username => 'iam',
iam_db_password => 'super_secret_password',
active_profiles => 'prod,registration',
iam_notification_disable => false,
iam_notification_from => 'user@localhost',
iam_notification_admin_address => 'user@localhost',
iam_mail_host => 'localhost',
generate_keystore => true,
iam_key_store_location => '/var/lib/indigo/iam-login-service/keystore.jks',
iam_repo_branch => 'stable',
} ~>
class { 'nginx': }
nginx::resource::upstream { 'iam_login_service': members => ['',], }
nginx::resource::server { $server:
ensure => present,
listen_port => 443,
proxy => 'http://iam_login_service',
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => '/etc/pki/hostcert.pem',
ssl_key => '/etc/pki/hostkey.pem',
ssl_redirect => true,
spdy => 'on',
http2 => 'on',
nginx::resource::server { 'default':
ensure => present,
listen_options => 'default_server',
listen_port => 80,
ssl => false,
ssl_redirect => true,
use_default_location => false,
More configuration snippets can also be found here.
Then apply it:
$ sudo puppet apply manifest.pp --debug
In headless servers, running haveged
daemon is recommended to generate more entropy.
Before run IAM Login service, check the available entropy with:
$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
If the obtained value is less than 1000, then haveged
daemon is mandatory.
On CentOS only, install EPEL repository:
$ sudo yum install -y epel-release
Install Haveged:
$ sudo yum install -y haveged
or in Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install haveged
Enable and run it:
$ sudo systemctl enable haveged
$ sudo systemctl start haveged