This is a modified version of Plates which precompiles any Blade syntax to Plates or PHP syntax before passing it through the Plates renderer.
It simply adds a primary step to compile Blade before passing it into the unmodified Plates classes.
Blates is available via Composer:
composer require indgy/blates
The majority of Blade syntax is supported with the notable exception of components/slots.
Full documentation on Plates can be found at
This is still under development and some features will be missing until I need them.
If you discover any bugs or issues with behaviour or performance please create an issue, if you are able a pull request with a fix would be most helpful.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Everyone who made Laravel Blade what it is, and the gentlemen of The PHP League who created Plates.