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how to use Azure DevOps Pipelines with Terraform and credentials in a keyvault

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how to use Azure DevOps Pipelines with Terraform and credentials in a keyvault

to do

create a Azure Pipeline to deploy a simple terraform structure with:


credentials for shall be in a Azure keyvault as secrets

create service principal, keyvault, secrets and necessary ressources

create service principal name (SPN) and client secret

login into your azure account

az login

create SPN

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name AzureDevOps --role="Contributor"

copy values for later

create resource group

az group create --name AzureDevOps --location "northeurope"

create storage-account (to store tfstate-file)

az storage account create --resource-group AzureDevOps --name sa01azuredevops --sku Standard_LRS --encryption-services blob

get storage account key

az storage account keys list --resource-group AzureDevOps --account-name sa01azuredevops --query [0].value -o tsv

copy value for later

create storage container

az storage container create --name container01-azuredevops --account-name sa01azuredevops --account-key "storage-account-access-key"

create keyvault

az keyvault create -n keyvault-devops01 -g AzureDevops -l "northeurope"

add the storage account access key to keyvault

az keyvault secret set --vault-name "keyvault-devops01" --name "sa01-azdo-accesskey" --value "storage-account-access-key"

add the service principal password to keyvault

az keyvault secret set --vault-name "keyvault-devops01" --name "spn-azuredevops-password" --value "service-principal-password"

allow the service principal name access to keyvault with permissions "get" and "list"

az keyvault set-policy --name "keyvault-devops01" --spn "0db8ed92-a623-4c37-a03c-42d8398f7c3" --secret-permissions get list

create and configure Azure DevOps

go-to and create (if necessary) an organization and a project

create repository

Click your new Team Project and select Repos. Click Initialize to create a blank repository

create variable group

create variable group to store values and make available accross multiple pipelines

az pipelines variable-group create --name "Terraform-BuildVariables" --authorize true --organization --project "your-project-name" --variables foo=bar

The foo=bar variable isn’t used, but a single variable is required to first create the variable group. for further inforamtions about this check

connect the variable group to keyvault

pipelines -> library -> toggle “Link secrets from an Azure key vault as variables.” select subscription authorize subscription authorize keyvault

add variables

choose secrets

adding the terraform code to Azure DevOps

use variables in subscription_id = var.subscription_id client_id = var.client_id client_secret = var.client_secret tenant_id = var.tenant_id

install Terraform Azure DevOps extension

create Azure DevOps pipeline

go to -> create pipeline

choose repo

configure pipeline starter pipeline customize pipeline

YAML Configuration File

  • Trigger: To make the Pipeline automatically run, we need to define a trigger. The trigger below causes the DevOps Pipeline to run when a commit is done on the Master Branch of our repo.
  • Paths: ‘By default, if you don’t specifically include or exclude files or directories in a CI build, the pipeline will run when a commit is done on any file.’2 Since my project contains other files not relating to this Terraform project, I only want it to run when changes are done in my two terraform files ( and
  • Pool: The VM that is going to run my code and deploy my infrastructure
  • Group: The Variable Group containing my secrets and their corresponding values. These will automatically be imported in
  • subscription_id: The subscription ID I am deploying my resources to
  • application_id: The application ID of my service principal name
  • tenant_id: The ID of my Azure tenant
  • storage_accounts: The Storage Account that houses my Storage Container that contains my state file
  • blob_storage: The Storage Container that will house my state file
  • state_file: The name of my Terraform state file
  • sa-resource_group: The Resource Group that my Storage Account is in

configuration yaml file

trigger: branches: include: - master paths: include: - /Azure_DevOps/Terraform/ - /Azure_DevOps/Terraform/

pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"


  • group: Terraform-BuildVariables
  • name: subscription_id value: "5bc98db6-521c-1ed5-a023-8fe8r41b0460"
  • name: application_id value: "034j3d92-a6123-4c56-a03c-4348566f167c3"
  • name: tenant_id value: "63546b2c9-54e9-4f5e-9851-f00c4j323dc1f"
  • name: storage_accounts value: "sa01azuredevops"
  • name: blob_storage value: container01-azuredevops
  • name: state_file value: tf-statefile.state
  • name: sa-resource_group value: AzureDevOps


  • task: ms-devlabs.custom-terraform-tasks.custom-terraform-installer-task.TerraformInstaller@0 displayName: 'Install Terraform'
  • script: terraform version displayName: Terraform Version
  • script: az login --service-principal -u $(application_id) -p $(spn-azuredevops-password) --tenant $(tenant_id) displayName: 'Log Into Azure'
  • script: terraform init -backend-config=resource_group_name=$(sa-resource_group) -backend-config="storage_account_name=$(storage_accounts)" -backend-config="container_name=$(blob_storage)" -backend-config="access_key=$(sa01-azdo-accesskey)" -backend-config="key=$(state_file)" displayName: "Terraform Init" workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Azure_DevOps/Terraform
  • script: terraform plan -var="client_id=$(application_id)" -var="client_secret=$(spn-azuredevops-password)" -var="tenant_id=$(tenant_id)" -var="subscription_id=$(subscription_id)" -var="admin_password=$(vm-admin-password)" -out="out.plan" displayName: Terraform Plan workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Azure_DevOps/Terraform
  • script: terraform apply out.plan displayName: 'Terraform Apply' workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Azure_DevOps/Terraform

-> save and run -> view -> permit




how to use Azure DevOps Pipelines with Terraform and credentials in a keyvault






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