A SDK data burying tool for the front end, the specific implementation details can be viewed 'src/core/index.ts'.
Of course, you can expand private needs on the basis of this library.
Buried point monitoring is usually to provide some data to the product
- For example, how many messages have been sent to wechat
- Logs monitor the upstream interface and downstream output So that the page error can locate the problem
Therefore, data monitoring is indispensable in the development process.
# configuring params
* @uuid user Id
* @requestUrl 数据上报地址
* @historyTracker history上报
* @hashTracker hash上报
* @domTracker 事件上报(需携带 Tracker-key)
* @sdkVersion sdk版本
* @extra User DIY 透传字段
* @jsError js 和 promise 报错异常上报
export interface DefaultOptons {
uuid: string | undefined;
requestUrl: string | undefined;
historyTracker: boolean;
hashTracker: boolean;
domTracker: boolean;
jsError: boolean;
sdkVersion: string | number;
extra: Record<string, any> | undefined;
# coustom report
export type reportTrackerData = {
[ErrType: string]: {
[key: string]: any;
event: string;
targetKey: string;
const tr = new Tracker.Tracker({
requestUrl: "http://localhost:3300/xxxx", //接口地址
historyTracker: true,
domTracker: true,
jsError: true,
- Page Viewer:
historyTracker: true or hashTracker: true
- Dom tracker:
domTracker: true
- Js Error:
jsError: true
, following events are monitored internally:- SyntaxError
- RangeError
- ReferenceError
- EvalError
- TypeError
- URIError
- Ajax(safeRange: 200 < code < 400) |
- 资源加载错误
# Dom tracker: 通过在元素上添加 target-key 属性,这样表可以在上报时携带元素数据信息
<button target-key="埋点值">按钮</button>
const tr = new Tracker({
requestUrl: "http://localhost:3000/xxxx", //接口地址
domTracker: true,
# 用户唯一表示 可以在登录之后通过接口返回的 id 进行设置值 提供了 setUserId
# 主要是给需要监听的元素添加一个属性 用来区分是否需要监听 target-key
# Tracker 提供了自定义上报的能力,必须包含 event 和 targetKey 两个字段
event: "",
targetKey: "",
# 同时,也存在一个可供用户进行数据携带的方法
tr.setExtra<T extends DefaultOptons["extra"]>()