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PVClinical Platform

The PVClinical project aims to build a web-based platform, built to support Active Pharmacovigilance processes via the integration of several heterogeneous data sources.


  • Redis Server (used for caching)
  • Postgresql Database Server (used as the Django app's database)
  • MongoDB Database Server (used for the database containing openFDA data)
  • Virtuoso Database Server (used for the Knowledge Graph, concerning Drugbank and MedDRA graphs)
  • Shiny Server (deploying the Twitter workspace and openFDA applications)
  • OpenFDA screenshots services (screenshots API for openFDA workspace)
  • Docker Server (deploying the Broadsea Docker containers, for OHDSI tools and Atlas, used by OHDSI workspace)
  • Apache Server (hosting and serving the produced reports and analytics/results screenshots from various workspaces)
  • Twitter Account and Credentials ( to utilize the historical data Twitter APIv2, through Twitter workspace )
  • Mendeley and Pubmed Accounts and Credentials ( to utilize Mendeley and PubMed APIs through PubMed workspace )
  • [Optional] Mail Server (used by the auth procedures of the Django app)

Twitter Analytics shiny apps deployment

Twitter Analytics, are shiny apps that utilize Twitter API v2 endpoints, to offer analytics to users, using global, real-time and historical data that are provided by Twitter, for academic research.

More info about Twitter Analytics shiny apps

ΟpenFDA shiny apps deployment

OpenFDA shiny apps are based on openfdashinyapps developed by Jonathan G Levine ( ).

The initial apps have been adapted to use locally stored data, that have been downloaded from openFDA official repositories ( ).

Further modifications have been made to the apps, regarding both view aspects and functionality, in order to fulfill PVClinical needs.

More info about the original apps

OpenFDA screenshots services deployment

OpenFDA screenshots services is a special API, offering the capability to get screenshots of various openFDA-apps' views.

More info about openFDA screenshots services

Deploying and integrating OHDSI tools into the PVClinical platform

Broadsea deploys the full OHDSI technology stack (R methods library & web tools), using cross-platform Docker container technology.

Broadsea Docker containers can be deployed, according to the instructions given at:

To integrate the Broadsea docker containers into OHDSI workspace of PVClinical platform, apart from the proper variables ( the ones with OHDSI_ prefix ) that need to be set in the file of the project, before starting the containers, someone has to also substitute the default atlas directory in brodsea-webtools container, with the modified atlas directory provided on our repository, by mapping it to the respective directory in the container.

This can be done by adding a simple line to volumes subsection of broadsea-webtools section, in docker-compose.yml file.

The line should be something similar to: - ./atlas:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/atlas:ro

Running PVClinical platform


[Optional] Set up a virtualenv and activate

Get the code
git clone
cd PVClinical
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Adapt configuration settings

Finally, in order to run PVClinical platform, someone has to set the proper values for the variables found in gentelella/gentelella/ file (a sample file is provided on our repository, rename it to corresponding to the particular system configuration and setup.

Run the code
cd gentelella
python runserver

Go to http://localhost:8000/

Deploying PVClinical on web server using WSGI or ASGI

On our repository we provide a sample WSGI file ( gentelella/gentelella/ ), to deploy PVClinical platform on a web server (e.g. Apache). More information on WSGI and ASGI interfaces, and configurations, can be found in the following link:

How to deploy Django

Based on

Gentelella Admin Template


@bdimitriadis @Dimstella @ckakalou


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") modified with Commons Clause Restriction -- see the LICENSE file for details