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Mathematical proof

Vetrivel Shanmugam edited this page Nov 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Design to Code Theorem: A Mathematical Formulation

Let D be the set of all designs, where each design d is represented as a rectangle. Each rectangle in D may contain sub-rectangles and content.

Let C be the set of all code, where each code c is a rendering process that transforms a design rectangle into a corresponding visual representation.


  1. Design Representation:

    • Designs, denoted as d ∈ D, are rectangles, where d = (width, height), and may contain sub-designs or content.
  2. Content in Designs:

    • Content within a rectangle in the set D can be image, video, or text.
  3. Code Rendering Process:

    • Code, represented as c ∈ C, is a function that maps a design rectangle d to its visual representation, denoted as c(d).

Mathematical Formulation:

  1. Existence of Designs:

    • For any design d ∈ D, there exists a rectangle representing a visual concept:
      • (d = (width, height))
  2. Design Hierarchy:

    • Designs can be hierarchical, where a design d may contain sub-designs or content:
      • (d = (width, height, {sub_designs}, {content}))
  3. Code Rendering Process:

    • The rendering process c is a function that maps a design rectangle d to its visual representation:
      • (c: D \rightarrow Visual\ Representation)


  1. Simple Design:

    • Let (d_1) be a simple design: (d_1 = (100px, 50px))
  2. Hierarchical Design:

    • Let (d_2) be a design with sub-designs and content:
      • (d_2 = (200px, 100px, {d_{2.1}, d_{2.2}}, {image_1, text_1}))


  1. Existence Proof:

    • Given any design d, its existence is confirmed by the definition of designs as rectangles.
  2. Rendering Process:

    • The code rendering process c transforms a design d into its visual representation, satisfying (c: D \rightarrow Visual\ Representation).
  3. Hierarchy Handling:

    • The hierarchical nature of designs is accommodated by the definition of designs in D.


The Design to Code Theorem provides a mathematical foundation for the systematic transformation of designs into visual representations through a code rendering process. This formulation, supported by examples and proofs, establishes the conceptual framework for translating designs, represented as rectangles, into executable code.