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Create component with dynamic style

Vetrivel edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 4 revisions
  1. Select Components panel -> "HelloWorldComponent".
  2. Edit Editor panel -> Component markup field from <h1 id="header">{state.content}</h1> to <h1 className={state.status} id="header">{state.content}</h1>.
  3. Edit state in Editor panel -> Component state field from {"content":"Hello world"} to {"content":"Hello world", "status":"valid"}.
  4. Type .valid{border: 1px solid green;} in Editor panel -> Component css field.
  5. Click Editor panel -> Save button.
  6. Reload.
  7. Click Components panel -> HelloWorldComponent. Notice preview has "Hello world" with green border.
  8. Select Settings panel -> h1-header check box.
  9. Edit Settings panel -> Events -> Existing -> onClick -> reducer from state.content = "Hi World" to state.content = "Hi World"; state.status = "invalid".
  10. Click Settings panel -> Save button.
  11. Edit Editor panel -> Component css field from .valid{border: 1px solid green;} to .valid{border: 1px solid green;} .invalid{border: 1px solid red;} . Now we have two classes created.
  12. Click Editor panel -> Save button.
  13. Reload.
  14. Click Components panel -> HelloWorldComponent. Preview panel should show "Hello World".
  15. Click Preview panel -> "Hello World". "Hello world" with green border should change to "Hi World" with red border.