Changes in version 6.1
- Fixed a number formatting issue in the NAACCR 24 documentation.
Changes in version 6.0
- Updated minimum Java language from Java 8 to Java 11.
- Retired legacy mode of CSV layout; the only mode available is the RFC4180 one.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 11.1 to version 11.2.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.20 to version 1.4.21.
Changes in version 5.7
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 11.0 to version 11.1.
Changes in version 5.6
- Added NAACCR 25 XML layout; documentation is not available yet for new data items.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 10.1 to version 11.0.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.8 to version 5.9.
Changes in version 5.5
- Fixed NAACCR 24 Incidence layout having the wrong name.
- Defaults MSH values for HL7 messages are now applied only when writing messages and not when reading them.
Changes in version 5.4
- Added NAACCR 24 documentation.
- Switched CSV parser to the RFC4180-compliant one.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 10.0 to version 10.1.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.7.1 to version 5.8.
Changes in version 5.3
- Added NAACCR 24 XML layout; documentation is not available yet for new data items.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 9.1 to version 10.0.
Changes in version 5.2
- Fixed NAACCR 23 documentation not properly returned.
Changes in version 5.1
- Added NAACCR 23 documentation.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 9.0 to version 9.1.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.19 to version 1.4.20.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.6 to version 5.7.1.
Changes in version 5.0
- Added NAACCR 23 XML layout; documentation is not available yet for new data items.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.10 to version 9.0.
- Remove old deprecated methods.
Changes in version 4.10
- Fixed behavior of comma-separated layouts when reading escaped characters.
- Updated upper limit for HL7 element index to 9999 instead from 999.
Changes in version 4.9
- Updated NAACCR 22 documentation.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.6 to version 8.10.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.18 to version 1.4.19.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.5.2 to version 5.6.
Changes in version 4.8
- Added new option to better deal with values too long when writing fixed-columns.
- Improved error message when reading unbalanced quoted values in CSV files.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.5 to version 8.6.
Changes in version 4.7
- Updated NAACCR 22 documentation.
- Changed name of all NAACCR fixed-column layouts to include 'Flat'.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.3 to version 8.5.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.5.1 to version 5.5.2.
Changes in version 4.6
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.2 to version 8.3.
Changes in version 4.5
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.1 to version 8.2.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.17 to version 1.4.18.
Changes in version 4.4
- Updated NAACCR 22 documentation.
- Added support for getting old (archived) documentation using a ZipInputStream.
Changes in version 4.3
- Moved NAACCR 12 to 18 documentation out of the library; they can still be used externally.
- Added NAACCR 22 documentation.
- Removed start/end column from NAACCR 21 documentation.
Changes in version 4.2
- Added new option for comma-separated layouts to force quoting all written values.
Changes in version 4.1
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 8.0 to version 8.1.
Changes in version 4.0
- Added NAACCR 22 XML layout; documentation is not available yet for new data items.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 7.13 to version 8.0.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.4 to version 5.5.1
- Updated commons-io library from version 2.7 to version 2.11.0.
Changes in version 3.4
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 7.10 to version 7.13.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.16 to version 1.4.17.
Changes in version 3.3
- Changed padding of sentinelLymphNodesExamined, sentinelLymphNodesPositive and phase1DosePerFraction to be leftZero in N18 layout.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 7.7 to version 7.10.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.15 to version 1.4.16.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.3 to version 5.4.
Changes in version 3.2
- Relaxed validation of comma-separated and fixed-columns layouts.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 7.3 to version 7.7.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.13 to version 1.4.15.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.2 to version 5.3.
Changes in version 3.1
- Added NAACCR 21 field documentation.
- Added support for new NAACCR HL7 v5 format.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 7.0 to version 7.3.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.12 to version 1.4.13.
Changes in version 3.0
- Added NAACCR 21 XML layout (there won't be a NAACCR 18 fixed-column layout); documentation is not available yet for new data items.
- Added support for sections in NAACCR XML layouts.
- Fixed bad padding for phase1TotalDose in NAACCR 18 fixed-column layout.
- Fixed a few long labels in NAACCR 18 fixed-column layout to align with official NAACCR names.
- Added convenience methods to LayoutFactory to return specific layout types to avoid casting.
- Changed NAACCR HL7 layout version to be 4.0 instead of 2.5.1 which is the HL7 specifications.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 6.5 to version 7.0.
- Updated XStream dependency from version to version 1.4.12.
- Updated CSV library from version 5.0 to version 5.2.
- Updated commons-io library from version 2.6 to version 2.7.
Changes in version 2.1
- Fixed NAACCR XML layout throwing an exception for duplicate item names.
- Fixed NAACCR XML layout not properly taking into account user-defined dictionaries when reading and writing patients.
- Now ignoring invalid segments when reading NAACCR HL7 messages instead of raising an exception; this is controlled by an option.
Changes in version 2.0
- Renamed many field names in standard NAACCR flat layouts to align with the official NAACCR XML IDs.
- Fixed bug in HL7 writer related to encoding.
Changes in version 1.25
- Added proper support for reading and writing escaped sequences in HL7 layout.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 6.1 to version 6.5.
- Updated CSV library from version 4.2 to version 5.0.
Changes in version 1.24
- Moved length as an attribute of all fields instead of just CSV fields.
- Now properly escaping values containing quotes when writing CSV data.
Changes in version 1.23
- Fixed two mistakes in sub-fields for two date fields in standard NAACCR 14 to 18 layouts.
Changes in version 1.22
- Now returning more information in format discovery for NAACCR XML data files.
- Improved format discovery mechanism for NAACCR flat files.
- Fixed fields not properly cached when programmatically creating a fixed-columns layout.
Changes in version 1.21
- Now returning documentation for retired data items in NAACCR 18 layout.
- Shorten short label for "behavior" in all NAACCR layout.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 5.3 to version 6.1.
Changes in version 1.20
- Fixed behavior of getting sub-fields for NAACCR XML layout so it aligns with the behavior of flat layouts.
- Made minor improvements to the HL7 layout writing methods.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 5.2 to version 5.3.
Changes in version 1.19
- Fixed incorrect line length for NAACCR 18 Confidential layout.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 5.1 to version 5.2.
Changes in version 1.18
- Fixed some bad values for section attribute in NAACCR 18 layout.
- Added missing setter for parent layout ID in RecordLayout.
- Fixed missing length of added date fields in NAACCR XML Layout.
- Added missing getters/setters from NAACCR XML layout.
Changes in version 1.17
- Fixed bug in CSV writing method not using the proper separator.
Changes in version 1.16
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 5.0 to version 5.1.
- Cleaned up options in record-based layouts.
Changes in version 1.15
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 4.15 to version 5.0.
- Fixed discovery mechanism of NAACCR XML layout.
- Supported reading Zip files in discovery mechanism of NAACCR XML layout.
- Allowed custom descriptions for NAACCR XML layout.
Changes in version 1.14
- Fixed writeRecords method in RecordLayout so it properly handles writing to a GZip file.
- Added short label to NAACCR XML fields.
- Updated NAACCR 18 field documentation.
- Updated NAACCR XML library from version 4.12 to version 4.15.
- Updated XStream dependency from version 1.4.10 to version
- Fixed warnings in the console about unsafe access to private fields.
Changes in version 1.13
- Updated NAACCR XML library to version 4.12.
- Fixed alignment of items #3823 and #3846 in NAACCR 18 layout.
- Updated NAACCR 18 field documentation.
- Add subfield variable to NaaccrXmlField
Changes in version 1.12
- Updated NAACCR XML library to version 4.11.
- Updated CSV library to version 4.2.
Changes in version 1.11
- Updated NAACCR XML library to version 4.10.
- Updated NAACCR 18 field documentation.
- Set default user dictionary URI in NaaccrXmlLayout.buildFileInfo()
Changes in version 1.10
- Updated NAACCR XML library to version 4.8.
- Fixed padding and alignment rules in NAACCR layouts
- Fixed wrong lengths in v18 NAACCR layout for the following fields: derivedPreRx7N, afpPretreatmentLabValue, afpPreOrchiectomyLabValue, primarySiteIcdO1, addressCurrentCity, addressCurrentState
Changes in version 1.9
- Updated NAACCR XML library to version 4.7.
- Fixed typos in field names for items ceaPretreatmentInterpretation and dateOfLastCancerStatusYear in v18 NAACCR layout.
Changes in version 1.8
- Final version of the NAACCR 18 layout.
- Added new NaaccrLayout.getXmlIdFromLayoutName() utility method to create a cross-over between NAACCR layout and NAACCR XML dictionary.
Changes in version 1.7
- Added support for NAACCR 18; that version is not final yet and it's possible it will change in a future release.
- Added support for NAACCR XML layouts.
- Fixed wrong NAACCR Item Number for item reserved05 in v16 NAACCR layout.
Changes in version 1.6
- Added new utility method to load a Layout without making the assumption of which type of layout it is.
- Added a proper security environment to XStream by limiting the classes that it can create when loading XML files.
- Updated XStreams library from version 1.4.9 to version 1.4.10.
Changes in version 1.5.1
- Fixed a bug in NAACCR HL7 layout where MSH segment was not properly written.
Changes in version 1.5
- Added support for reading and writing NAACCR HL7 2.5.1.
Changes in version 1.4.1
- Fixed wrong start columns for reserved11 field in NAACCR 16 layout (issue #8)
Changes in version 1.4
- Added support for read/write options in the record-based layout, see RecordLayoutOptions class (issue #7).
- Fields that are completely blank in the data file won't be included in the resulting map even if their definition says they can't be trimmed.
- Added support for NAACCR reserved fields; this feature is only available for NAACCR 16 and later (issue #4).
- Updated XStreams dependency to version 1.4.9.
- This library now requires Java 8.
Changes in version 1.3.4
- Fixed the NAACCR 16 documentation; many fields had the wrong columns information (issue #6).
Changes in version 1.3.3
- NAACCR 16 layout XML file was using wrong ID and name (issue #5).
Changes in version 1.3.2
- NPCR field (item number 3720) shouldn't be trimmed (issue #3).
Changes in version 1.3.1
- CSV layouts setup to ignore first line were not ignoring it in the "readAllRecords" methods (issue #2).
- Fixed documentation for a few new NAACCR 16 fields (SEER derived); removed code 90 (issue #1).
Changes in version 1.3
- Added support for NAACCR 16 layout and documentation.
- Restructured the Layout class hierarchy to allow support for non-single-line-based formats like XML.
- Replaced JAXB by XStream for all XML operations.
- This library now requires Java 7.
Changes in version 1.2.1
- Fixed some non-ASCII characters in the NAACCR 15 field documentations for a few fields.
Changes in version 1.2
- Added missing date subfields for the three Survival date fields added in NAACCR 15...
Changes in version 1.1
- Changed default NAACCR layout from 14 to 15.
Changes in version 1.0
- Added support for NAACCR 15 layout and documentation.
- Removed support for conversion rules.
- Layout framework split from SEER*Utils into its own project.
Legacy changes
- [SEER*Utils v4.9 ] Moved all layout classes from "com.imsweb.seerutils.layout" to "com.imsweb.layout".
- [SEER*Utils v4.9 ] Added sections to the NAACCR layout (available on the Field object); only for NAACCR 14 and up.
- [SEER*Utils v4.8.1] Fixed minor issue where a layout wouldn't inherit the default CSS style from its parent.
- [SEER*Utils v4.7 ] Fixed some labels in the NAACCR 14 layout.
- [SEER*Utils v4.7 ] Changed default NAACCR layout from 13 to 14.
- [SEER*Utils v4.6.4] Fixed typo in NAACCR 14 layout name.
- [SEER*Utils v4.6.4] Fixed a minor issue with the toString() method of the LayoutInfo class.
- [SEER*Utils v4.6 ] Added support for NAACCR 14 layout and documentation.
- [SEER*Utils v4.5 ] Fixed a bug involving subfields in extended layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v4.4 ] Fixed missing line separators in all the write methods of the layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v4.3.1] Changed method that returns available layouts so it doesn't return 'alias' layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v4.3.1] Changed layout writing subfields: the value is always taken from the subfields, never from the parent field.
- [SEER*Utils v4.3 ] Split the NAACCR Abstract, Modified, Confidential and Incidence layouts into individual layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2.9] FixedLength layout should not apply to CSV and vice-versa.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2.6] Fix bad property name in NAACCR layout.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2.5] Fixed documentation now showing up for Census Occ Code 2010 field.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2.2] Fixed bad property name in NAACCR 13 documentation.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2.1] Fixed bad property name in new NAACCR 13 layout.
- [SEER*Utils v4.2 ] Added NAACCR 13 documentation.
- [SEER*Utils v4.1 ] Added support for Comma Separated Values layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v4.1 ] Added support for NAACCR13.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0.5] Fixed missing documentation for NAACCR field 'eodOld4Digit'.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0.2] Fixed issues in NAACCR12 layout.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0 ] Added support for coding rules in the import layout.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0 ] Now allowing a layout to extend another one.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0 ] Now allowing external layouts to be loaded.
- [SEER*Utils v4.0 ] Added no-wrapping CSS style to "code" columns.
- [SEER*Utils v3.1 ] Changed NAACCR 12 layout ID from naaccr12 to naaccr-12.
- [SEER*Utils v3.0 ] Added a method to get the default CSS style.
- [SEER*Utils v3.0 ] Added a method to return all the available versions of the NAACCR layouts.
- [SEER*Utils v3.0 ] Cleaned-up generated HTML NAACCR documentation.
- [SEER*Utils v2.3.3] Improved memory usage.
- [SEER*Utils v2.3 ] Fixed minor issue in NAACCR documentation for item #2840.
- [SEER*Utils v2.2 ] Added NAACCR version to the NAACCR layout.
- [SEER*Utils v2.0.1] Fixed minor issues in the NAACCR documentation.
- [SEER*Utils v2.0.1] Fixed wrong property name in NAACCR layout.
- [SEER*Utils v2.0 ] Added support for NAACCR layouts.