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WebXR/WebGPU binding

WebXR is well understood to be a demanding API in terms of graphics rendering performance, a task that has previously fallen entirely to WebGL. The WebGL API, while capable, is based on the relatively outdated native APIs which have recently been overtaken by more modern equivalents. As a result, it can sometimes be a struggle to implement various recommended XR rendering techniques in a performant way.

The WebGPU API is an upcoming API for utilizing the graphics and compute capabilities of a device's GPU more efficiently than WebGL allows, with an API that better matches both GPU hardware architecture and the modern native APIs that interface with them, such as Vulkan, Direct3D 12, and Metal. As it offers the potential to enable developers to get significantly better performance in their WebXR applications.

This module aims to allow the existing WebXR Layers module to interface with WebGPU by providing WebGPU swap chains for each layer type.

WebGPU-compatible XRSessions

Mixing content rendered by different APIs in a single session is not something that most native VR/AR APIs support. As such, the decision of which graphics API to use needs to be specified at XRSession creation time. WebGL is the default, but a WebGPU-compatible session can be created by requesting the 'webgpu' feature descriptor as either a optional or required feature.

const xrSession = await navigator.xr.requestSession('immersive-vr', {requiredFeatures: ['webgpu']});

A WebGPU-compatible XRSession has the following differences from a WebGL-compatible session:

  • XRWebGLBinding and XRWebGLLayer instances cannot be created.
  • XRGPUBinding instances can be created (see below).
  • baseLayer cannot be be set in updateRenderState(). layers must be used instead.
  • The projectionMatrix attribute of XRViews will return a matrix appropriate for a clip-space depth range of [0, 1] instead of [-1, 1].

WebGPU binding

As with the existing WebGL path described in the Layers module, all WebGPU resources required by WebXR would be supplied by an XRGPUBinding instance, created with a WebGPU-compatible XRSession and GPUDevice like so:

const gpuAdapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({xrCompatible: true});
const gpuDevice = await gpuAdapter.requestDevice();
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);

Note that the GPUAdapter must be requested with the xrCompatible option set to true. This mirrors the WebGL context creation arg by the same name, and ensures that the returned adapter will be one that is compatible with the UAs selected XR Device.

If the XRGPUBinding constructor is called with a WebGL-compatible XRSession or a GPUDevice created by a non-xrCompatible adapter an InvalidState exception is thrown.

Once the XRGPUBinding instance has been created, it can be used to create the various XRCompositorLayers, just like XRWebGLBinding.

const gpuAdapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({xrCompatible: true});
const gpuDevice = await gpuAdapter.requestDevice();
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);
const projectionLayer = xrGpuBinding.createProjectionLayer();

This allocates a layer that supplies a GPUTexture to use for color attachments. The color format of the layer must be specified, and if depth/stencil is required it can be requested as well by specifying an appropriate depth/stencil format. The preferred color format for the XRSession is given by XRGPUBinding.getPreferredColorFormat() method.

const gpuAdapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({xrCompatible: true});
const gpuDevice = await gpuAdapter.requestDevice();
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);
const projectionLayer = xrGpuBinding.createProjectionLayer({
  colorFormat: xrGpuBinding.getPreferredColorFormat(),
  depthStencilFormat: 'depth24plus',

This allocates a layer that supplies a GPUTexture to use for both color attachments and depth/stencil attachements. Note that if a depthStencilFormat is provided it is implied that the application will populate it will a reasonable representation of the scene's depth and that the UAs XR compositor may use that information when rendering. If you cannot guarantee that the the depth information output by your application is representative of the scene rendered into the color attachment your application should allocate it's own depth/stencil textures instead.

As with the base XR Layers module, XRGPUBinding is only required to support XRProjectionLayers unless the layers feature descriptor is supplied at session creation and supported by the UA/device. If the layers feature descriptor is requested and supported, however, all other XRCompositionLayer types must be supported. Layers are still set via XRSession's updateRenderState method, as usual:

const quadLayer = xrGpuBinding.createQuadLayer({
  space: xrReferenceSpace,
  viewPixelWidth: 1024,
  viewPixelHeight: 768,
  layout: 'stereo'

xrSession.updateRenderState({ layers: [projectionLayer, quadLayer] });


During XRFrame processing each layer can be updated with new imagery. Calling getViewSubImage() with a view from the XRFrame will return an XRGPUSubImage indicating the textures to use as the render target and what portion of the texture will be presented to the XRView's associated physical display.

WebGPU projection layers will provide the same colorTexture and depthStencilTexture for each GPUSubImage queried, while the GPUSubImage queried for each XRView will contian a different GPUTextureViewDescriptor that should be used when creating the texture views of both the color and depth textures to use as render pass attachments. The GPUSubImage's viewport must also be set to ensure only the expected portion of the texture is written to.

// Render Loop for a projection layer with a WebGPU texture source.
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);
const layer = xrGpuBinding.createProjectionLayer({
  colorFormat: xrGpuBinding.getPreferredColorFormat(),
  depthStencilFormat: 'depth24plus',

xrSession.updateRenderState({ layers: [layer] });

function onXRFrame(time, xrFrame) {

  const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

  for (const view in xrViewerPose.views) {
    const subImage = xrGpuBinding.getViewSubImage(layer, view);

    // Render to the subImage's color and depth textures
    const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
        colorAttachments: [{
          view: subImage.colorTexture.createView(subImage.getViewDescriptor()),
          loadOp: 'clear',
          clearValue: [0,0,0,1],
        depthStencilAttachment: {
          view: subImage.depthStencilTexture.createView(subImage.getViewDescriptor()),
          depthLoadOp: 'clear',
          depthClearValue: 1.0,
          depthStoreOp: 'store',

    let vp = subImage.viewport;
    passEncoder.setViewport(vp.x, vp.y, vp.width, vp.height, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Render from the viewpoint of xrView



Non-projection layers, such as XRQuadLayer, may only have 1 sub image for 'mono' layers and 2 sub images for 'stereo' layers, which may not align exactly with the number of XRViews reported by the device. To avoid rendering the same view multiple times in these scenarios Non-projection layers must use the XRGPUBinding's getSubImage() method to get the XRSubImage to render to.

For mono textures the XRSubImage can be queried using just the layer and XRFrame:

// Render Loop for a projection layer with a WebGPU texture source.
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);
const quadLayer = xrGpuBinding.createQuadLayer({
  colorFormat: xrGpuBinding.getPreferredColorFormat(),
  space: xrReferenceSpace,
  viewPixelWidth: 512,
  viewPixelHeight: 512,
  layout: 'mono'

// Position 2 meters away from the origin with a width and height of 1.5 meters
quadLayer.transform = new XRRigidTransform({z: -2});
quadLayer.width = 1.5;
quadLayer.height = 1.5;

xrSession.updateRenderState({ layers: [quadLayer] });

function onXRFrame(time, xrFrame) {

  const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

  const subImage = xrGpuBinding.getSubImage(quadLayer, xrFrame);

  // Render to the subImage's color texture.
  const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
      colorAttachments: [{
        view: subImage.colorTexture.createView(subImage.getViewDescriptor()),
        loadOp: 'clear',
        clearValue: [0,0,0,0],
      // Many times simple quad layers won't require a depth attachment, as they're often just
      // displaying a pre-rendered 2D image.

  let vp = subImage.viewport;
  passEncoder.setViewport(vp.x, vp.y, vp.width, vp.height, 0.0, 1.0);

  // Render the mono content.



For stereo textures the target XREye must be given to getSubImage() as well:

// Render Loop for a projection layer with a WebGPU texture source.
const xrGpuBinding = new XRGPUBinding(xrSession, gpuDevice);
const quadLayer = xrGpuBinding.createQuadLayer({
  colorFormat: xrGpuBinding.getPreferredColorFormat(),
  space: xrReferenceSpace,
  viewPixelWidth: 512,
  viewPixelHeight: 512,
  layout: 'stereo'

// Position 2 meters away from the origin with a width and height of 1.5 meters
quadLayer.transform = new XRRigidTransform({z: -2});
quadLayer.width = 1.5;
quadLayer.height = 1.5;

xrSession.updateRenderState({ layers: [quadLayer] });

function onXRFrame(time, xrFrame) {

  const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();

  for (const eye of ['left', 'right']) {
    const subImage = xrGpuBinding.getSubImage(quadLayer, xrFrame, eye);

    // Render to the subImage's color texture.
    const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
        colorAttachments: [{
          view: subImage.colorTexture.createView(subImage.getViewDescriptor()),
          loadOp: 'clear',
          clearValue: [0,0,0,0],
        // Many times simple quad layers won't require a depth attachment, as they're often just
        // displaying a pre-rendered 2D image.

    let vp = subImage.viewport;
    passEncoder.setViewport(vp.x, vp.y, vp.width, vp.height, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Render content for the given eye.



Proposed IDL

// New feature descriptor: "webgpu"

partial dictionary GPURequestAdapterOptions {
    boolean xrCompatible = false;

[Exposed=Window] interface XRGPUSubImage : XRSubImage {
  [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUTexture colorTexture;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUTexture? depthStencilTexture;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute GPUTexture? motionVectorTexture;
  GPUTextureViewDescriptor getViewDescriptor();

dictionary XRGPUProjectionLayerInit {
  required GPUTextureFormat colorFormat;
  GPUTextureFormat? depthStencilFormat;
  GPUTextureUsageFlags textureUsage = 0x10; // GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT 
  double scaleFactor = 1.0;

dictionary XRGPULayerInit {
  required GPUTextureFormat colorFormat;
  GPUTextureFormat? depthStencilFormat;
  GPUTextureUsageFlags textureUsage = 0x10; // GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT
  required XRSpace space;
  unsigned long mipLevels = 1;
  required unsigned long viewPixelWidth;
  required unsigned long viewPixelHeight;
  XRLayerLayout layout = "mono";
  boolean isStatic = false;

dictionary XRGPUQuadLayerInit : XRGPULayerInit {
  XRRigidTransform? transform;
  float width = 1.0;
  float height = 1.0;

dictionary XRGPUCylinderLayerInit : XRGPULayerInit {
  XRRigidTransform? transform;
  float radius = 2.0;
  float centralAngle = 0.78539;
  float aspectRatio = 2.0;

dictionary XRGPUEquirectLayerInit : XRGPULayerInit {
  XRRigidTransform? transform;
  float radius = 0;
  float centralHorizontalAngle = 6.28318;
  float upperVerticalAngle = 1.570795;
  float lowerVerticalAngle = -1.570795;

dictionary XRGPUCubeLayerInit : XRGPULayerInit {
  DOMPointReadOnly? orientation;

[Exposed=Window] interface XRGPUBinding {
  constructor(XRSession session, GPUDevice device);

  readonly attribute double nativeProjectionScaleFactor;

  XRProjectionLayer createProjectionLayer(optional XRGPUProjectionLayerInit init);
  XRQuadLayer createQuadLayer(optional XRGPUQuadLayerInit init);
  XRCylinderLayer createCylinderLayer(optional XRGPUCylinderLayerInit init);
  XREquirectLayer createEquirectLayer(optional XRGPUEquirectLayerInit init);
  XRCubeLayer createCubeLayer(optional XRGPUCubeLayerInit init);

  XRGPUSubImage getSubImage(XRCompositionLayer layer, XRFrame frame, optional XREye eye = "none");
  XRGPUSubImage getViewSubImage(XRProjectionLayer layer, XRView view);
  GPUTextureFormat getPreferredColorFormat();