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1. Create the input mesh files (for both parent & child domains)

tbrivoal edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

0. Quick note on AGRIF nomenclature

  • When you use agrif, the files which are used only for the nest(s) are written 1_{filename} for the first nest, 2_{filename} for the second and so on.

1. Retrieve emodnet bathymetry

  • follow the steps:

1: Download emodnet tiles (emodnet 2018 was used for BIZoo, but this should be similar with newer emodnet versions) =>

2: A tool to merge emodnet tiles is available here. To use the tool:

./ # interpolate tiles on the full emodnet grid with 
./ merge tiles with 
  • At this point, you should have a netcdf file with the emodnet bathymetry

2. Create the parent file

NEMO4.X versions now need a file that contains the coordinates of the configuration. The first step is to create it for the parent configuration only (e.g: eNEATL36). To do this, use the DOMAINCFG tool in NEMODIR/tools/DOMAINcfg, compiled without key_agrif (see NEMO4 book for more informations about this step).

3. Create file

The file contains the information about the position of the nest in the parent grid. The file should contain at least three lines (for 1 zoom, and more if there is several nests) such as (for the BIZoo nest) :

    220 1073 350 1245 3 3 3

The first line indicates the number of zooms (1). The second line contains the starting and ending indices in both directions on the root grid (imin=220 imax=1073 jmin=350 jmax=1245) followed by the space and time refinement factors (3 3 3). The last line is the number of child grid nested in the refined region (0). A more complex example with telescoping grids can be found below and in the AGRIF_DEMO reference configuration directory.

4. First creation of the files for both parent and child grids

  • Follow the steps:

1: Compile the DOMAINCFG tool with the cpp key 'key_agrif' added in cpp_DOMAINcfg.fcm file

2: run the DOMAINCFG tool

  • To run the tool with agrif, you should have one namelist per grid: in our case, one namelist 'namelist_cfg' for the parent grid, and another one 1_namelist_cfg for the child grid.

    • To create the namelists, a tool is available "NEMODIR/tools/DOMAINcfg" :, the tool creates both namelists
    • You can also find namelists examples here.
  • As it is the first time you create the nest ( coordinate file, you need to change some parameters of 1_namelist_cfg such as nn_bathy, cn_topo, cn_bath, cn_lon and cn_lat parameters in &namdom (see example below).

    • if you want the bathymetry to be generated from an external bathymetry dataset such as emodnet, put nn_bathy=1
    • if you already have the bathymetry file on the nest grid and nn_bathy=3 otherwise.
  • In our case, with emodnet, you should have (in &namdom):

ln_read_cfg = .false.   !  Read from a domain_cfg file
nn_bathy    =    2      ! = 0 compute analyticaly
                        ! = 1 read the bathymetry file
                        ! = 2 compute from external bathymetry (should be on a regular grid)
                        ! = 3 compute from parent (if "key_agrif")
cn_topo = '' ! Name of the bathymetry file 
cn_bath = 'bathymetry' ! Name of the bathymetry variable in cn_topo
cn_lon = 'lon' ! Name of longitude in cn_topo
cn_lat = 'lat' ! Name of latitude in cn_topo
  • Finally, run the domain cfg tool (a run script is available here).

  • At this point, you should have the two coordinate files created : (parent) and 1_domain_cfg (nest).