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Releases: immauss/openvas


24 Apr 21:06
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Minor update from Greenbone...

And ....

The addition of .notus files for Rocky Linux.

Currently, the image is configured to pull the .notus feed from and all other feeds are from the greenbone community feed servers. The Immauss rsync feed is updated daily with the GB community feed and the Rocky Linux feed will be update every other month. For more info, read here.



25 Mar 07:54
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Resolved an issue where a feed-sync failure during startup of a slim image would leave the database in a condition that causes subsequent startups to fail.

You should now be able to use the "slim" images with no extra options. This will trigger a pull of the entire feeds from GB as the slim image does not container the prebuilt database and feeds (That's why it is slimmer) The only advantage to this, is when you have a limited amount of storage for running images, or you just like to wait for the feed sync instead of speeding along to an operational container. :)



20 Mar 15:35
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Another minor update from Greenbone.

Greenbone Versions in Latest image:

Component Version Component Version
gvmd v23.5.1 gvm_libs v22.9.0
openvas v23.0.1 openvas_smb v22.5.6
notus_scanner v22.6.2 gsa v23.0.0
gsad v22.9.1 ospd v21.4.4
ospd_openvas v22.7.0 pg_gvm v22.6.5
python_gvm v24.3.0 gvm_tools v24.3.0

22.4.40 Re-Release

13 Feb 15:24
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Greenbone Versions in Latest image:

Component Version Component Version
gvmd v23.2.0 gvm_libs v22.8.0
openvas v22.7.9 openvas_smb v22.5.6
notus_scanner v22.6.2 gsa v23.0.0
gsad v22.9.0 ospd v21.4.4
ospd_openvas v22.6.2 pg_gvm v22.6.4
python_gvm v24.1.0 gvm_tools v24.1.0




Initial Release

19 Mar 16:01
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This is the first attempt ...