Releases: imixs/imixs-office-workflow
Enhancement - Migration Imixs-Workflow 4.0.0 enhancement #129
Enhancement - Favorites portlet is not working bug testing #136
Enhancement - Sortorder - change configuration settings for sortorder and sortBy bug testing #137
Enhancement - Provide new forms templates with comment feature only enhancement testing #140
Enhancement - Provide new document-viewer Subform enhancement testing #141
Bugfix - Migrate MinuteController to version 3.0 bug testing #138
Bugfix - change web.xml - replace error.xhtml with new errorhandler.xhtml testing #144
Bugfix - fixe display/layout of error.xhtml #143
Bugfix - Optimistic Lock Exception is not caught by ErrorHandlyer.xhtml #134
Enhancement - web.xml - replace error.xhtml with new errorhandler.xhtml
- enhancement - add new error handling for optimisticLock Exception #133
- enhancement - provide to define timeout for conversation beans #132
- enhancement - Migration Imixs-Workflow 3.9.0 #118
- enhancement - Migration System-Model -> BPMN #119
- enhancement - System Model - new delete Task for Process and Space #122
- enhancement - Implement new ChildWorkitemController - @ConversationScoped #126
- enhancement - Improve page layout on Ajax events #124
- enhancement - Remove Delete and Archive Actions from workitem_footer #123
- enhancement - Implement new WorklfowController - @ConversationScoped #125
- enhancement - Improve DataTable Sort and Filtering for 'Profile', 'Space' an 'Process' #128
- enhancement - css - .imixs-portlet .imixs-viewentry - minheight 85px #130
- enhancement - Protokoll - redesign workflow model #131
- bugfix - settings.xhtml - preRenderView blocks ajax events form userinputlist #120
- bugfix - fix css style for select boxes #121
- bugfix - Lock Profile - validate profile status #127
Update Imixs-Workflow
- enhancement - clean up web.xml files #117
Bugfix - maven build - filter web resources #113
Upgrade Imixs-Workflow 3.8.3
- Enhancement - report.xhtml support date fields #115
- Enhancement - resource bundles - en - typos #114
- Enhancement - form_panel_instruction_right #112
- Enhancement - Provide new input parts for custom widgets #111
- Enhancement - sub_attachments replace special characters in file name #107
- Enhancement - sub_atachments.xhtml fixed wrong display of list #106
- Enhancement - Added profile entities into lucene index #105
- Enhancement - Provide a Docker Container #104
- Enhancement - New featurerequest: Management Charts #103
- Improvement - Droped classic design #102
- Bugfix - fixed setupservlet on first launch #110
- Bugfix - fixed wrong redirect from home/notes #109
- Bugfix - fixed error when opening report.xhtml -> rest URL #116
Bugfix: scheduler - autostart after redeployment
Bugfix: Reports are not visible in Wildfly
Bugfix: SetupControler - Configuration - edit/save throws OptimisticLockException
- Enhancement: provide bookmarkable urls
- Enhancement: Minutes - Minute items tinyMCE did not work correctly bug testing
- Enhancement: Responsiv Design - small screen
- Enhancement: Update TinyMCE Editor
- Bugfix: scheduler - autostart after redeployment
- Bugfix: Reports are not visible in Wildfly
- Bugfix: SetupControler - Configuration - edit/save throws OptimisticLockException