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clayrat committed Nov 11, 2022
1 parent e69c238 commit 77438ed
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Showing 3 changed files with 2 additions and 163 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/bubblesort.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Proof.
case: k=>//= k; rewrite ltnS=>Hk.
suff E: {in drop k.+1 (enum 'I_n.+1), f =1 (pffun (pswnx i) f)}.
- by rewrite /= !codomE -2!map_drop /=; move/eq_in_map: E.
move=>/= y /index_gtn; rewrite index_last_uniq; last by apply: enum_uniq.
move=>/= y /index_geq; rewrite index_last_uniq; last by apply: enum_uniq.
rewrite /pswnx ffunE index_enum_ord=>Hy.
have {Hk}Hy: i.+1 < y.
- rewrite -ltn_predRL; apply: (leq_trans Hk).
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/congmath.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

From Coq Require Import Recdef ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From mathcomp Require Import eqtype choice ssrnat seq bigop fintype finfun.
From pcm Require Import options prelude ordtype finmap pred.
From pcm Require Import options prelude ordtype finmap pred seqext.
From htt Require Import interlude.

Ltac add_morphism_tactic := SetoidTactics.add_morphism_tactic.
Expand Down
161 changes: 0 additions & 161 deletions htt/interlude.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,164 +145,3 @@ by rewrite (allrel_trans (@trans A) Hl Hr).

End SeqOrd.

Section FindLast.

Variables (T : Type).
Implicit Types (x : T) (p : pred T) (s : seq T).

(* find the last occurence in a single pass *)
Definition find_last_aux oi0 p s :=
foldl (fun '(o,i) x => (if p x then Some i else o, i.+1)) oi0 s.

Lemma find_last_auxE oi0 p s :
find_last_aux oi0 p s =
let k := seq.find p (rev s) in
(if k == size s then oi0.1
else Some (oi0.2 + (size s - k).-1), oi0.2 + size s).
rewrite /find_last_aux; elim: s oi0=>/= [|x s IH] [o0 i0] /=; first by rewrite addn0.
rewrite IH /= rev_cons -cats1 find_cat /= has_find.
move: (find_size p (rev s)); rewrite size_rev; case: ltngtP=>// H _.
- case: eqP=>[E|_]; first by rewrite E ltnNge leqnSn in H.
apply: injective_projections=>/=; [congr Some | rewrite addSnnS]=>//.
by rewrite !predn_sub /= -predn_sub addSnnS prednK // subn_gt0.
case: ifP=>_; rewrite addSnnS; last by rewrite addn1 eqxx.
by rewrite addn0 eqn_leq leqnSn /= ltnn subSnn addn0.

Definition find_last p s :=
let '(o, i) := find_last_aux (None, 0) p s in odflt i o.

(* finding last is finding first in reversed list and flipping indices *)
Corollary find_lastE p s :
find_last p s =
if has p s then (size s - seq.find p (rev s)).-1
else size s.
rewrite /find_last find_last_auxE /= !add0n -has_rev; case/boolP: (has p (rev s)).
- by rewrite has_find size_rev; case: ltngtP.
by move/hasNfind=>->; rewrite size_rev eqxx.

Lemma find_last_size p s : find_last p s <= size s.
rewrite find_lastE; case: ifP=>// _.
by rewrite -subnS; apply: leq_subr.

Lemma has_find_last p s : has p s = (find_last p s < size s).
symmetry; rewrite find_lastE; case: ifP=>H /=; last by rewrite ltnn.
by rewrite -subnS /= ltn_subrL /=; case: s H.

Lemma hasNfind_last p s : ~~ has p s -> find_last p s = size s.
Proof. by rewrite has_find_last; case: ltngtP (find_last_size p s). Qed.

Lemma nth_find_last x0 p s : has p s -> p (nth x0 s (find_last p s)).
rewrite find_lastE=>/[dup] E ->; rewrite -has_rev in E.
rewrite -subnS -nth_rev; last by rewrite -size_rev -has_find.
by apply: nth_find.

Lemma has_drop p s i : has p s -> has p (drop i.+1 s) = (i < find_last p s).
rewrite find_lastE=>/[dup] E ->; rewrite -has_rev in E.
rewrite -(size_rev s); move/(has_take (size s - i).-1): E.
rewrite take_rev -subnS size_rev.
case/boolP: (i < size s)=>[Hi|].
- rewrite subnA // subnn add0n has_rev => ->.
by rewrite -subnS ltn_subRL addnC -addSnnS -ltn_subRL.
rewrite -ltnNge ltnS => Hi _.
rewrite drop_oversize /=; last by apply: (leq_trans Hi).
symmetry; apply/negbTE; rewrite -ltnNge ltnS.
by apply/leq_trans/Hi; rewrite -subnS; exact: leq_subr.

Lemma find_gtn p s i : has p (drop i.+1 s) -> i < find_last p s.
case/boolP: (has p s)=>Hp; first by rewrite (has_drop _ Hp).
suff: ~~ has p (drop i.+1 s) by move/negbTE=>->.
move: Hp; apply: contra; rewrite -{2}(cat_take_drop i.+1 s) has_cat=>->.
by rewrite orbT.

Variant split_find_last_nth_spec p : seq T -> seq T -> seq T -> T -> Type :=
FindLastNth x s1 s2 of p x & ~~ has p s2 :
split_find_last_nth_spec p (rcons s1 x ++ s2) s1 s2 x.

Lemma split_find_last_nth x0 p s (i := find_last p s) :
has p s ->
split_find_last_nth_spec p s (take i s) (drop i.+1 s) (nth x0 s i).
move=> p_s; rewrite -[X in split_find_last_nth_spec _ X](cat_take_drop i s).
rewrite (drop_nth x0 _); last by rewrite -has_find_last.
rewrite -cat_rcons; constructor; first by apply: nth_find_last.
by rewrite has_drop // ltnn.

Variant split_find_last_spec p : seq T -> seq T -> seq T -> Type :=
FindLastSplit x s1 s2 of p x & ~~ has p s2 :
split_find_last_spec p (rcons s1 x ++ s2) s1 s2.

Lemma split_find_last p s (i := find_last p s) :
has p s ->
split_find_last_spec p s (take i s) (drop i.+1 s).
by case: s => // x ? in i * =>?; case: split_find_last_nth=>//; constructor.

End FindLast.

Section FindLastEq.

Variables (T : eqType).
Implicit Type p : seq T.

Definition index_last (x : T) := find_last (pred1 x).

Lemma memNindex_last x s : x \notin s -> index_last x s = size s.
Proof. by rewrite -has_pred1=>/hasNfind_last. Qed.

Lemma index_last_cons x y t : index_last x (y::t) =
if x \in t then (index_last x t).+1
else if y == x then 0 else (size t).+1.
rewrite /index_last !find_lastE /= rev_cons -cats1 find_cat /= has_rev has_pred1.
case/boolP: (x \in t)=>H; last first.
- rewrite size_rev orbF; case/boolP: (y == x)=>//= _.
by rewrite addn0 subSnn.
by rewrite orbT predn_sub /= prednK // subn_gt0 -size_rev -has_find has_rev has_pred1.

Lemma index_gtn x s i : x \in drop i.+1 s -> i < index_last x s.
Proof. by rewrite -has_pred1; apply: find_gtn. Qed.

Lemma index_last_uniq x s : uniq s -> index_last x s = index x s.
move=>H; case/boolP: (x \in s)=>Hx; last first.
- by rewrite (memNindex_last Hx) (memNindex Hx).
elim: s x H Hx=>//= h t IH x.
rewrite index_last_cons.
case/andP=>Hh Ht; rewrite inE eq_sym; case/orP.
- by move/eqP=>{x}<-; rewrite (negbTE Hh) eqxx.
move=>Hx; rewrite Hx; case: eqP=>[E|_]; last by congr S; apply: IH.
by rewrite E Hx in Hh.

Variant splitLast x : seq T -> seq T -> seq T -> Type :=
SplitLast p1 p2 of x \notin p2 : splitLast x (rcons p1 x ++ p2) p1 p2.

Lemma splitLastP s x (i := index_last x s) :
x \in s ->
splitLast x s (take i s) (drop i.+1 s).
case: s => // y s in i * => H.
case: split_find_last_nth=>//; first by rewrite has_pred1.
move=>_ s1 s2 /= /eqP->; rewrite has_pred1 => H2.
by constructor.

End FindLastEq.

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