Coding style enforcement for VHDL.
Update 09/18/2021
Things have started to settle down to the point where I can pick this back up a little. I will be able to devote more time in October.
VSG was created after participating in a code review where a real issue in the code was masked by a coding style issue. A finding was created for the style issue, while the real issue was missed. When the code was re-reviewed, the real issue was discovered.
Depending on your process, style issues can take a lot of time to resolve.
- Create finding/ticket/issue
- Disposition finding/ticket/issue
- Fix
- Verify fix
Spending less time on style issues leaves more time to analyze the substance of the code. This ultimately reduces the amount of time performing code reviews. It also allows reviewers to focus on the substance of the code. This will result in a higher quality code base.
- Define VHDL coding standards
- Makes coding standards visible to everyone
- Improve code reviews
- Quickly bring code up to current standards
VSG allows the style of the code to be defined and enforced over part or the entire code base. Configurations allow for multiple coding standards.
- Command line tool
- integrate into continuous integration flow with JUnit output
- Reports and fixes issues found
- whitespace
- horizontal
- vertical
- upper and lower case
- keyword alignments
- etc...
- whitespace
- Fully configurable rules via JSON or YAML configuration file
- Disable rules
- Alter behavior of existing rules
- Localize rule sets
- Create your own rules using python
- Use existing rules as a template
- Fully integrates into base rule set
- Built in styles
- Use existing style or create your own
VSG is a continual work in progress. As such, this version has the following known limitations:
- Parser will not process configurations
- Parser will not process embedded PSL
- Parser will not process VHDL 2019
You can get the latest released version of VSG via pip.
pip install vsg
The latest development version can be cloned...
git clone
...and then installed locally...
python install
VSG is a both a command line tool and a python package. The command line tool can be invoked with:
$ vsg
usage: VHDL Style Guide (VSG) [-h] [-f FILENAME [FILENAME ...]] [-lr LOCAL_RULES] [-c CONFIGURATION [CONFIGURATION ...]] [--fix]
[-fp FIX_PHASE] [-j JUNIT] [-js JSON] [-of {vsg,syntastic,summary}] [-b] [-oc OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION]
[-rc RULE_CONFIGURATION] [--style {indent_only,jcl}] [-v] [-ap] [--fix_only FIX_ONLY] [-p JOBS]
Analyzes VHDL files for style guide violations. Reference documentation is located at:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
File to analyze
-lr LOCAL_RULES, --local_rules LOCAL_RULES
Path to local rules
JSON or YAML configuration file(s)
--fix Fix issues found
-fp FIX_PHASE, --fix_phase FIX_PHASE
Fix issues up to and including this phase
-j JUNIT, --junit JUNIT
Extract Junit file
-js JSON, --json JSON
Extract JSON file
-of {vsg,syntastic,summary}, --output_format {vsg,syntastic,summary}
Sets the output format.
-b, --backup Creates a copy of input file for comparison with fixed version.
Write configuration to file name.
Display configuration of a rule
--style {indent_only,jcl}
Use predefined style
-v, --version Displays version information
-ap, --all_phases Do not stop when a violation is detected.
--fix_only FIX_ONLY Restrict fixing via JSON file.
-p JOBS, --jobs JOBS number of parallel jobs to use, default is the number of cpu cores
--debug Displays verbose debug information
Here is an example output running against a test file:
All documentation for VSG is hosted at read-the-docs.
I welcome any contributions to this project. No matter how small or large.
There are several ways to contribute:
- Bug reports
- Code base improvements
- Feature requests
- Pull requests
Please refer to the documentation hosted at read-the-docs for more details on contributing.