A JSoup utility library for Clojure that makes it easier to extract content from HTML.
map-soup is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars:
In your project.clj dependencies for leiningen:
[borge/map-soup "0.1.0"]
jsoup-utils have 2 functions you are going to use: parse-html
and parse-doc
takes a string containing HTML and returns a JSoup document.
takes a JSoup document and a map of selectors, and returns
a copy of the selector-map where the values are extracted from the document using the selectors.
(def doc (parse-html "..."))
(def selector-map
{:header "h1"
[{:_selector ".article"
:title "h2"
:url "a/href"
:body "p"}]})
(map-doc selector-map doc)
;; => {:header "Example"
;; :articles
;; [{:title "Article 1"
;; :url "/article-1"
;; :body "Some text"}
;; {:title "Article 2"
;; :url "/article-2"
;; :body "Hello from Mars"}]}
(ns example.core
(:require [map-soup.core :refer [map-doc parse-html]]))
(def html
"<!doctype html>
<div id='header'>
<h1><a href='/example'>Example</a></h1>
</div><!-- #header -->
<div id='articles'>
<div class='article'>
<h2><a href='/article-1'>Article 1</a></h2>
<p>Some text</p>
</div><!-- .article -->
<div class='article'>
<h2><a href='/article-2'>Article 2</a></h2>
<p>Hello from Mars</p>
</div><!-- .article -->
</div><!-- #articles -->
(def selector-map
{:header "h1"
;; Extract lists:
;; :_selector is needed, and must select the elements that
;; there are many of, eg "ul li", not just the "ul".
[{:_selector ".article" ;; we have many ".article"'s
:title "h2"
;; extract attributes using "/":
:url "a/href"
:body "p"}]})
(def doc (parse-html html))
(map-doc selector-map doc)
;; => {:header "Example"
;; :articles
;; [{:title "Article 1"
;; :url "/article-1"
;; :body "Some text"}
;; {:title "Article 2"
;; :url "/article-2"
;; :body "Hello from Mars"}]}
Copyright © 2018 Børge André Jensen
Distributed under the MIT License