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Improve rust_perf_battery
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lilith committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 513cd84 commit e89dfa1
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 55 deletions.
125 changes: 70 additions & 55 deletions rust_perf_battery.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,28 +4,31 @@
Logs comprehensive performance and battery statistics per iteration.
Prevents the system from sleeping or turning off the display during execution,
and restores the previous system state on script exit.
If the computer sleeps, it will cause a large time jump in iteration time;
we detect that and terminate.
Detects large time jumps (sleep/resume) and exits if found.
If on AC power, skips battery-drop-based stats.
If battery is low and presumably on battery saver (below ~30%),
appends "-saving" to the mode name.
Uses 70% drop wall time estimate instead of 80%.
The summary log file should exactly match what is printed to the terminal.
- Runs a self-test before starting. If self-test fails, prints error and exits.
- On start, prevents the computer from sleeping or turning off the display by using the Win32 API SetThreadExecutionState.
- On start, prevents the computer from sleeping or turning off the display by using Win32 API SetThreadExecutionState.
Uses 64-bit values for ES_CONTINUOUS etc.
- On start, prints initial line with date/time, battery, mode, etc.
- For each iteration:
* Executes `cargo clean` then `cargo build`
* Sleeps a configured interval between runs
* Tracks performance stats, including battery usage
* Logs results to full and summary log files
* If any iteration takes unexpectedly long (e.g., due to sleep/resume),
we detect a time jump and exit. By default, "unexpectedly long" is >3x a baseline of 5 minutes.
* Executes cargo clean then cargo build.
* Sleeps a configured interval between runs.
* Tracks performance stats, including battery usage (if available).
* If on AC, does not show battery-drop-based statistics.
* If battery below 30% and on battery, mode is "battery-<plan>-saving".
* Calculates est. builds per % drop, build time per %, wall time per %,
and now uses 70% drop wall time estimate per mode.
* If iteration takes too long (>3x baseline time), assumes sleep/resume and exits.
- On command failure, prints the error output and stops.
- On AC power, we do not show battery drop-related stats since they don't make sense.
- On script end (or if killed), attempts to restore system sleep/display-off behavior.
Time formats:
- Display time: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sss" (with 's' appended)
- File names: "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
- Time spans: "HH:MM:SSs" for total times
- On script end (or if killed), attempts to restore system state.
- The summary log matches exactly what's printed to terminal line-by-line.
- The full log includes all summary lines plus cargo outputs.
Requires PowerShell 5.1+ and `cargo` in PATH.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,11 +125,17 @@ function Get-BatteryStatus {

function Get-CurrentEnergyMode {
$schemeName = Get-PowerSchemeName
# If on battery and below 30%, assume "saving"
$battery = Get-BatteryStatus
$schemeName = Get-PowerSchemeName
$powerSource = if ($battery.OnAC) { "ac" } else { "battery" }
$modeName = ($schemeName -replace '\s+', '-').ToLower()
return "$powerSource-$modeName"

if (-not $battery.OnAC -and $battery.BatteryPercent -le 30) {
return "$powerSource-$modeName-saving"
} else {
return "$powerSource-$modeName"

function Format-ShortTime($ts) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,14 +190,19 @@ function Run-CargoBuild {

function Write-Logs {
Add-Content -Path $FullLogPath -Value $FullOutput
Add-Content -Path $FullLogPath -Value $SummaryLine
Add-Content -Path $SummaryLogPath -Value $SummaryLine
# We want summary log to exactly match what we print.
# We'll write a helper function for summary lines:
function Write-And-LogSummary {
Write-Host $Line
Add-Content $SummaryLogPath $Line
Add-Content $FullLogPath $Line

# For cargo output, only goes to full logs (no printing):
function Write-FullOnly {
Add-Content $FullLogPath $FullOutput

# Prevent sleep/display off
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,10 +235,10 @@ if ($FullChargeCapacity -and $FullChargeCapacity -gt 0) {
$currentTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format $displayTimeFormat) + "s"
$initMode = Get-CurrentEnergyMode
$initialLine = "$currentTimestamp battery=$($initBattery.BatteryPercent)% mode=$initMode"
Write-Host $initialLine
Write-And-LogSummary $initialLine

$logLine = "Logs: $(Split-Path $FullLogPath -Leaf), $(Split-Path $SummaryLogPath -Leaf)"
Write-Host $logLine
Write-And-LogSummary $logLine

try {
while (-not $StopLoop) {
Expand All @@ -233,16 +247,20 @@ try {

$cleanResult = Run-CargoClean
if (-not $cleanResult.Success) {
Write-Host "cargo clean failed, output:"
$cleanResult.Output | Write-Host
Write-And-LogSummary "cargo clean failed, output:"
foreach ($line in $cleanResult.Output) {
Write-And-LogSummary $line
$StopLoop = $true

$buildResult = Run-CargoBuild
if (-not $buildResult.Success) {
Write-Host "cargo build failed, output:"
$buildResult.Output | Write-Host
Write-And-LogSummary "cargo build failed, output:"
foreach ($line in $buildResult.Output) {
Write-And-LogSummary $line
$StopLoop = $true
Expand All @@ -253,13 +271,11 @@ try {

$iterationElapsed = (Get-Date) - $iterationStart

# Check for time jump
if ($iterationElapsed -gt $MaxAllowedIterationTime) {
Write-Host "Detected time jump (iteration took $($iterationElapsed.ToString())) - possibly slept. Exiting."
Write-And-LogSummary "Detected time jump (iteration took $($iterationElapsed.ToString())) - possibly slept. Exiting."

# Update stats
$TotalSleepTime += $sleepElapsed
$TotalCleanTime += $cleanResult.Elapsed
$TotalBuildTime += $buildResult.Elapsed
Expand All @@ -277,7 +293,6 @@ try {
$lastBuildLine = if ($buildLineObj) { [string]$buildLineObj } else { "" }
$lastBuildLine = $lastBuildLine.Trim()

# Compute metrics
$totalElapsed = (Get-Date) - $GlobalScriptStart
$otherTime = $totalElapsed - ($TotalBuildTime + $TotalCleanTime + $TotalSleepTime)

Expand All @@ -299,7 +314,7 @@ try {
if ($CompileCount -gt 0) {
$mWh_per_build_val = $UsedEnergy_mWh / $CompileCount
$mWh_per_build = ("{0:F2} mWh/build" -f $mWh_per_build_val)
} else {
else {
$mWh_per_build = "N/A"
Expand All @@ -310,14 +325,14 @@ try {

$overallLine = "$currentTimestamp, run $runCountStr, $CurrentEnergyMode, battery $($batt.BatteryPercent)%, total build $totalBuildStr, clean $totalCleanStr, sleep $totalSleepStr$energyLine"
Write-Host $overallLine
Write-And-LogSummary $overallLine

# Second line
$secondLine = " Sleeping ${PauseBetweenRuns}s between builds. $lastBuildLine"
Write-Host $secondLine
Write-And-LogSummary $secondLine

# If on AC, we won't show battery-drop-based stats.
$showBatteryDropStats = (-not $batt.OnAC) -and ($batteryDropFloat -gt 0)

# Mode lines
$OnAC = $batt.OnAC
foreach ($modeKey in $ModeStats.Keys) {
$m = $ModeStats[$modeKey]
$avgBuild = "N/A"
Expand All @@ -332,10 +347,8 @@ try {
$buildsPerDrop = "N/A"
$buildTimePerDrop = "N/A"
$wallPerDrop = "N/A"
$timeFor80Drop = "N/A"

# Only show battery-drop related stats if not on AC
if (-not $OnAC -and $batteryDropFloat -gt 0) {
$timeFor70Drop = "N/A"
if ($showBatteryDropStats) {
$buildsPerDropVal = $m.BuildCount / $batteryDropFloat
$buildsPerDrop = ("{0:F2}" -f $buildsPerDropVal)

Expand All @@ -345,26 +358,28 @@ try {
$wallPerDropVal = $m.TotalModeTime.TotalSeconds / $batteryDropFloat
$wallPerDrop = ("{0:F0}s" -f $wallPerDropVal)

$wallFor80PctSec = $m.TotalModeTime.TotalSeconds / $batteryDropFloat * 80
$wallFor80Pct = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($wallFor80PctSec)
$timeFor80Drop = Format-HoursMinutes $wallFor80Pct
# 70% drop wall estimate
$wallFor70PctSec = $m.TotalModeTime.TotalSeconds / $batteryDropFloat * 70
$wallFor70Pct = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($wallFor70PctSec)
$timeFor70Drop = Format-HoursMinutes $wallFor70Pct

$modeLine = " On $($m.Mode) for $(Format-ShortTime $m.TotalModeTime), avg build $avgBuild, avg clean $avgClean"
if (-not $OnAC -and $batteryDropFloat -gt 0) {
$modeLine += ", est. builds per % drop: $buildsPerDrop, build time per %: $buildTimePerDrop, wall per %: $wallPerDrop, 80% drop wall: $timeFor80Drop"
if ($showBatteryDropStats) {
$modeLine += ", est. builds per % drop: $buildsPerDrop, build time per %: $buildTimePerDrop, wall per %: $wallPerDrop, 70% drop wall: $timeFor70Drop"
Write-Host $modeLine
Write-And-LogSummary $modeLine

# Write cargo outputs to full log only (already logged summary lines above)
$fullOutput = "=== Iteration $CompileCount ===`r`n" +
"--- Cargo clean output ---`r`n" + ($cleanResult.Output -join "`r`n") + "`r`n" +
"--- Cargo build output ---`r`n" + ($buildResult.Output -join "`r`n") + "`r`n"

Write-Logs -FullOutput $fullOutput -SummaryLine $overallLine
Write-FullOnly $fullOutput
} finally {
# Restore previous system state
[SleepPreventer.Power]::SetThreadExecutionState($ES_CONTINUOUS) | Out-Null

Write-Host "Script ended."
Write-And-LogSummary "Script ended."

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