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Improve process reporting in rust_perf_battery.ps1
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lilith committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent b62e0f3 commit 96527bb
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 30 deletions.
83 changes: 53 additions & 30 deletions rust_perf_battery.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,12 +199,21 @@ function Self-Test {
$mode = Get-CurrentEnergyMode
$ModeStats[$mode].TotalModeTime += (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5)

} catch {
Write-Host "Self-test failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1

function Test-Process-Functions {
$s = Get-ProcessStats
$t = Get-Date
$diff = Get-ProcessDiff $s $t
$table = Format-ProcessDiffTable $diff

function Run-CargoClean {
$start = Get-Date
$output = & cargo clean 2>&1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,21 +285,24 @@ function Get-ProcessStats {
WorkingSet = $_.WorkingSet64
Threads = $_.Threads.Count
Handles = $_.HandleCount
ID = $_.Id
ID = if ($_.Id) { $_.Id } else { "unknown" }

function Get-ProcessDiff {
param([Array]$previous, [DateTime]$previousTaken)

$current = Get-ProcessStats
$currentTaken = (Get-Date)
$diff = @()
$totalCpuDelta = 0

foreach ($proc in $current) {
$prevProc = $previous | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $proc.ID }
$cpuDelta = if ($prevProc) { $proc.CPU - $prevProc.CPU } else { $proc.CPU }

$totalCpuDelta += $cpuDelta
if ($cpuDelta -gt 0) {
$diff += @{
Name = $proc.Name
Expand All @@ -301,46 +313,65 @@ function Get-ProcessDiff {

$percentCpuDelta = $totalCpuDelta / ($currentTaken - $previousTaken).TotalSeconds

return @{
Processes = $current
CurrentProcesses = $current
CurrentTaken = $currentTaken
PreviousProcesses = $previous
PreviousTaken = $previousTaken
TotalCpuDelta = $totalCpuDelta
PercentCpuDelta = $percentCpuDelta
ElapsedTime = ($currentTaken - $previousTaken)
Changes = ($diff | Sort-Object -Property CPUDelta -Descending)

function Format-ProcessTable {
function Format-ProcessDiffTable {

if (-not $changes -or $changes.Count -eq 0) {
return "No significant CPU usage detected"
if ($diff.TotalCpuDelta -eq 0) {
return "No change to process cpu usage detected"
# if percent cpu delta is less than 1%, then don't show it, unless ElapsedTime is under 10 minns
if ($diff.PercentCpuDelta -lt 1 -and $diff.ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes -gt 10) {
return "Less than 1% overall CPU usage detected in long-running processes, skipping CPU table display"

$totalCpuDelta = "{0:N1}s" -f $diff.TotalCpuDelta
$percentCpuDelta = "{0:N1}%" -f $diff.PercentCpuDelta
$timeDelta = Format-ShortTime $diff.ElapsedTime

$intervalMins = [math]::Round($interval.TotalMinutes, 1)
Write-And-LogSummary "Process CPU changes over last $intervalMins minutes:"

$changes |
$text = "CPU use $totalCpuDelta ($percentCpuDelta) over $timeDelta (among long-running processes), top 5:`r`n"
$text += $diff.Changes |
Select-Object -First 5 |
ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Name
CPUDelta = "{0:N1}s" -f $_.CPUDelta
PerMin = "{0:N1}s" -f ($_.CPUDelta / $intervalMins)
Pct = "{0:N1}%" -f ($_.CPUDelta / $diff.ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds)
RAMMb = "{0:N0}" -f ($_.WorkingSet / 1MB)
PID = $_.ID
} |
Format-Table -Property @(
@{Label="NAME"; Expression={$_.Name}; Align="Left"},
@{Label="+CPU TIME"; Expression={$_.CPUDelta}; Align="Right"},
@{Label="CPU/MIN"; Expression={$_.PerMin}; Align="Right"},
@{Label="% CPU"; Expression={$_.Pct}; Align="Right"},
@{Label="RAM MB"; Expression={$_.RAMMb}; Align="Right"},
@{Label="PID"; Expression={$_.PID}; Align="Right"}
) -AutoSize |

$text += "`r`n"
## Now, a single liner with top RAM users
$text += "Top RAM users: " + ($diff.CurrentProcesses | Sort-Object -Property WorkingSet -Descending | Select-Object -First 5 | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name) ($($_.WorkingSet / 1MB) MB)" } | Join-String -Separator ", ")
return $text

function Get-TopRAMUsersString {
return "Top RAM users: " + (Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WorkingSet -Descending | Select-Object -First 5 | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name) ($($_.WorkingSet / 1MB) MB)" } | Join-String -Separator ", ")

function Get-SystemStatusString {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,13 +428,14 @@ $InitialBatteryPercent = $initBattery.BatteryPercent

$initialLine = "$(Get-Date -Format $displayTimeFormat) $(Get-CurrentEnergyMode), $(Get-SystemStatusString), sys uptime $(Get-SystemUptime)"
Write-And-LogSummary $initialLine
Write-And-LogSummary "Warning: 'balanced' may not be accurate, as powercfg /getactivescheme is a lying liar. Verify your power settings manually."
Write-And-LogSummary (Get-TopRAMUsersString)

$logLine = "Logs: $(Split-Path $FullLogPath -Leaf), $(Split-Path $SummaryLogPath -Leaf)"
Write-And-LogSummary $logLine

# Add these near the top with other global variables
$LastProcessCheck = [DateTime]::MinValue
$LastProcessStats = $null
$BaselineProcessStats = Get-ProcessStats
$BaselineProcessCheck = Get-Date
$ProcessCheckInterval = [TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(5)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,18 +582,9 @@ try {
Write-FullOnly $fullOutput

if (((Get-Date) - $LastProcessCheck) -gt $ProcessCheckInterval -or $CompileCount -eq 1) {
$interval = if ($LastProcessCheck -eq [DateTime]::MinValue) {
(Get-Date) - $BaselineProcessCheck
} else {
(Get-Date) - $LastProcessCheck

$diff = Get-ProcessDiff $BaselineProcessStats
$period = (Get-Date) - $BaselineProcessCheck
$table = Format-ProcessTable $diff.Processes $diff.Changes $period
$diff = Get-ProcessDiff $BaselineProcessStats $BaselineProcessCheck
$table = Format-ProcessDiffTable $diff
Write-And-LogSummary $table

$LastProcessStats = $diff.Processes
$LastProcessCheck = Get-Date
Expand Down

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