A software for recording, storing and reporting quality control (QC) results in magnetic resonance imaging equipment.
- Record all conventional quality control according to ACR and AAPM guidelines
- Show all the quality control done graphically
- Save the quality control of each device according to the approved program
- The possibility of scheduling quality control according to the calendar
- The possibility of planning the quality control of each device with different time periods
- Showing unacceptable quality control tests
- Windows 8 and ...
- .NET framework 4.7
- MS Access
- Download the Setup file from the installation folder.
- The installation path should not be C drive. The installation location must be on a drive without operating system.
- This is a .NET Framework application. So download and install the latest version of .Net to run the program.
Please let us know if there is any problem through this page. We look forward to your suggestions and comments. You can also contact me via the following email: imanazinkhah@gmail.com