Releases: imagitama/vrc-questifyer
Releases · imagitama/vrc-questifyer
- fixed being able to add Base component
- added button to "Switch Materials" component to force max compression
- added button to "Switch Materials" component to force 512x512 resolution
- changed "Switch Materials" existing material detection to search for any material with "Quest" in name
- changed "Remove Components" component to only show index if more than 1
- fixed "Remove Blacklisted Components" component not including disabled objects
- add issue if using an old Unity constraints
- check if gameobject is being deleted by VRCFury and ignore
- added "contacts" to list of issues
This tool has been completely re-written into using components like VRCFury:

Migration from the older versions: delete the PeanutTools/VRC_Questifyer directory and import the new Unity package
All changes:
- update to Unity 2022.3.22f1 and VRCSDK 3.7.1 (Oct 2024)
- moved editor window into Tools menu
- moved actions from editor window into components
- added public methods to Questify from other scripts
Remove JSON stuff
The JSON library I was using was causing issues. I doubt anyone actually uses the whole JSON feature so I just removed it. If you actually use it please let me know and I'll probably build a better system.
UI improvements
- auto-check for updates
- fixed number of PhysBones incorrectly showing 0
- change PhysBones editor output
- automatically inspect after build avatar
Remove PhysBones
- select all materials button
- toggle PhysBones
- dry run cleans up created avatar
- show success message
Build inspector
- fixed materials not being packaged
- do not include duplicates in imported asset output and total
- sort imported assets by filesize
- build button
- fix not including hidden objects