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Sogou-Translate Build Status codecov PyPI version

The Python wrapper for Sogou Translate API. Only Python 3.6 is supported.


Get started

You could install this library using pip:

pip install sogou-translate

Note: You might have to apply for the keys in order to use the service. If you wish to have a brief demo of this service, you could use the demo keys mentioned in the related web pages.

Example usage

from sogou_translate import SogouTranslate, SogouLanguages

trans = SogouTranslate('[Your pid]', '[Your secret key]')

en_text = 'Hello, world!'
zh_text = trans.translate(en_text, from_language=SogouLanguages.EN, to_language=SogouLanguages.ZH_CHS)
print(zh_text) # '你好,世界!'


The code is licensed under DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE. For more details, read the LICENSE file.