Document-oriented database built upon LowDocDB.
let docDB = DocDB(rootFolder: rootFolder, options: .init(maxFolderDepth: 8, serializer: JSONSerializationDocDBSerializer()))
let devicesPath = try DocPath("/devices")
let myDevicePath = try devicesPath.appending("")
// add
try docDB.addDocument(at: myDevicePath, dictionary: [
"os": "iOS",
"version": "13.1",
"something": 1,
"test1": 12.1,
"test2": "something",
"testArray": [1,2,3,10,5,5,6,7,8],
"testArray2": ["1","2","3","4","5","5","6","7","8"]
// retrieve
if let deviceDoc = try docDB.document(at: myDevicePath) {
print(deviceDoc["os"]) // "iOS"
// query
let docsGreaterThan: [DocDBDictionary] = try docDB.queryDocuments(
at: devicesPath,
query: [
.isGreaterThan(.init(1), key: "something")
options: .init(limit: .max, columns: ["something", "test2"])
// delete
try docDB.deleteDocument(at: myDevicePath)
public class DocDB {
public init(rootFolder: URL, options: DocDBOptions = .init(maxFolderDepth: 8, serializer: JSONSerializationDocDBSerializer()))
/// Adds a document to the database.
public func addDocument(at docPath: DocPath, dictionary: DocDBDictionary) throws
/// Updates an existing document with the key-value pairs on the `updateDictionary`.
public func updateDocument(at docPath: DocPath, updateDictionary: DocDBDictionary) throws -> DocDBDictionary
/// Retrieves a document and returns its data representation
public func document(at docPath: DocPath) throws -> DocDBDictionary?
/// If a document (either folder or file) exists
public func documentExist(at docPath: DocPath) -> Bool
/// Iterator that can enumerate all files within a given folder.
public func enumerator(at folderPath: DocPath, includeFolders: Bool) throws -> LowDocDB.Iterator
/// All document paths, including folder or not, from the given `folderPath`
public func documentPaths(at folderPath: DocPath, includingFolders: Bool) throws -> [DocPath]
/// If a document exists and is a folder.
public func documentIsFolder(_ docPath: DocPath) -> Bool
/// An array containing decoded dictionaries from files of the given folder.
public func documents(at folderPath: DocPath) throws -> [DocDBDictionary]
/// Seaches for documents of the database given a location, a query and some options.
public func queryDocumentsIterator(at folderPath: DocPath, query: [DocDBQueryValue], options: DocDBQueryOptions = .init()) throws -> QueryIterator
public func queryDocumentsPublisher(at folderPath: DocPath, query: [DocDBQueryValue], options: DocDBQueryOptions = .init()) throws -> AnyPublisher<DocDBDictionary, Error>
public func queryDocuments(at folderPath: DocPath, query: [DocDBQueryValue], options: DocDBQueryOptions = .init()) throws -> [DocDBDictionary]
/// Deletes a document. Doesn't delete folders.
public func deleteDocument(at docPath: DocPath) throws
/// Deletes a document (either regular file or directory).
public func deleteItem(at docPath: DocPath) throws