A web application based on a restful CRUD API, that allows you to manage an Inventory of cars, with options to list, create, update and delete entrys. The Project utilizes the Spring Boot framework in order to manage it's API, postgres to store the data and angular to display it in the front end.
- JVM and JRE running on Java 11 (or higher)
- Maven
- Docker
- NodeJs
- Angular
- Typescript
- Kubernetes
- Minikube
- Step 1: Install all dependencies named above (example given using chocolaty)
choco install openjdk:11 maven docker nodejs minikube
npm intsall -g typescript angular
- Step 2: Add
to the host file and point it towards the minikube ip- Example: springboot
- Example:
- Step 3: Run the deployment script
bash ./setup.sh
- Step 4: The webapp should now be running at
- Step 5: If failed run:
eval "$(minikube docker-env --shell=bash)"
and repeat steps 2-3
- Step 1: Install all dependencies named above (example given using chocolaty)
choco install openjdk:11 maven docker nodejs minikube
npm intsall -g typescript angular
- Step 2: Add
to the host file and point it towards localhost- Example:
localhost springboot
- Example:
- Step 3: Pull up docker-compose file (to get postgres to run)
docker-compose up -d -f ./docker-compose.yml
- Step 4: Run Angular and Spring Boot
mvn package && java -jar ./target/RestfulCarlist-0.0.1.jar
cd ./src/main/angular && ng serve --open
- Step 5: Access the service over
- The project has two types of test already setup:
- Integration tests using Newman (/Postman)
- Unit tests using Junit
- The java portion of project is compatible with java docs
- If you wish to generate that documentation, run the following command:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
in the project root - The files can then be found under
in your project directory
- If you wish to generate that documentation, run the following command:
- Furthermore, precise documentation for using the API can be found under
at runtime
- Get PostgreSQL going:
docker-compose up -d
- Entering Postgres
- Step 1:
docker exec -it postgres bash
- Step 2:
psql -U docker
- Step 1:
- To access to front end (with Spring boot and Postgres running in the background):
- navigate to
from the root directory - make sure angular & typescript are installed
- start the angular app using:
ng serve --open
- (your browser should open the page automatically)
- navigate to
- Overview:
- List of all cars:
- Create car entries:
- Edit existing car entries:
- List of all cars:
- General Overview:
Create entries: POST-Request to
and a JSON Object in the body containing the following items:- model
- brand
- leistung
- baujahr
- motor
- verbrauch
Read entries
- to read all entries: GET-Request to
- to read out single entries: GET-Request to
(here the id 19 is being checked)
- to read all entries: GET-Request to
Update entries: PUT-Request to
- with the id number displaying the id of what car has to be updated
- as well as a JSON Object in the body containing the same items as the create method
Delete entries: DELETE-Request to
- For precise Usage info, please visit
- To use Grafana with Prometheus in Kubernetes, you need to port-forward Prometheus & Grafana:
kubectl port-forward prometheus-prometheus-prometheus-oper-prometheus-0 9090
kubectl port-forward deployment/prometheus-grafana 3000