Releases: ilios/frontend
Releases · ilios/frontend
The One I Made For You
What's Changed
What's Changed
- updated config/environment to allow for cli arguments by @michaelchadwick in #7871
- removed 'deprecate-non-strict-id' rule by @michaelchadwick in #7867
- Normalize date display by using 2-digit format by @michaelchadwick in #7872
- prevent setting up mirage twice. by @stopfstedt in #7876
- Remove duplicate imports by @jrjohnson in #7878
- normalize date format displays in Curriculum Inventory Reports by @michaelchadwick in #7877
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7868
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001629 to 1.0.30001632 by @dependabot in #7869
- Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #7797
- Bump @sentry/ember from 8.8.0 to 8.9.2 by @dependabot in #7875
- Bump sass from 1.77.4 to 1.77.5 by @dependabot in #7874
- Bump the embroider group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #7873
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001632 to 1.0.30001633 by @dependabot in #7880
- Bump ember-intl from 6.5.5 to 7.0.2 by @dependabot in #7870
- Bump @embroider/webpack from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in the embroider group by @dependabot in #7879
Full Changelog: v41.3.0...v41.4.0
Blame It On The Sidekick
What's Changed
What's Changed
- Send environment with Sentry data by @jrjohnson in #7837
- Fix test-support.css bug by @michaelchadwick in #7839
- Filter available cohorts to select by year range by @michaelchadwick in #7825
- Extend lifetime of template lint todos by @jrjohnson in #7854
- Prune non-significant years from user profile available cohorts by @michaelchadwick in #7856
- Add sonarqube scanner by @jrjohnson in #7858
- Use ember test setup to setup intl by @jrjohnson in #7862
- increase max line length for hbs files by @michaelchadwick in #7864
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7836
- Bump qunit-theme-ember from 0.2.0 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #7820
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001620 to 1.0.30001621 by @dependabot in #7840
- Bump @percy/cli from 1.28.6 to 1.28.7 by @dependabot in #7843
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001621 to 1.0.30001623 by @dependabot in #7844
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001623 to 1.0.30001624 by @dependabot in #7846
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001624 to 1.0.30001625 by @dependabot in #7848
- Bump the embroider group with 5 updates by @dependabot in #7847
- Bump sass from 1.77.2 to 1.77.4 by @dependabot in #7852
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7853
- Bump ember-a11y-refocus from 3.0.2 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot in #7851
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001626 to 1.0.30001627 by @dependabot in #7855
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.114.0 to 8.7.0 by @dependabot in #7849
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001627 to 1.0.30001628 by @dependabot in #7861
- Bump ember-a11y-refocus from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #7859
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001628 to 1.0.30001629 by @dependabot in #7863
- Bump @sentry/ember from 8.7.0 to 8.8.0 by @dependabot in #7866
Full Changelog: v41.2.0...v41.3.0
What's Changed
What's Changed
- Update Ember to v5.8.1 by @jrjohnson in #7801
- Add course years to Instructor/LearnerGroup displays by @michaelchadwick in #7805
- Update pnpm to v9 in workflows by @jrjohnson in #7815
- Fix the global search test by @jrjohnson in #7816
- Fixes course search when searching for title AND externalId by @michaelchadwick in #7819
- Use display name in search results by @jrjohnson in #7826
- Bump frontend lockfileVersion from 6 to 9 by @michaelchadwick in #7835
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.112.2 to 7.113.0 by @dependabot in #7807
- Bump ember-cli-deploy-s3-index from 3.0.0 to 4.0.3 by @dependabot in #7806
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @github-actions in #7808
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.113.0 to 7.114.0 by @dependabot in #7813
- Bump pnpm/action-setup from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #7814
- Bump the embroider group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #7812
- Bump ember-intl from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 by @dependabot in #7809
- Bump sass from 1.76.0 to 1.77.0 by @dependabot in #7810
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001616 to 1.0.30001617 by @dependabot in #7818
- Bump validator from 13.11.0 to 13.12.0 by @dependabot in #7817
- Bump @percy/cli from 1.28.5 to 1.28.6 by @dependabot in #7824
- Bump sass from 1.77.0 to 1.77.1 by @dependabot in #7823
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001617 to 1.0.30001618 by @dependabot in #7830
- Use Zorgbort to Create Dependency Update Pull Requests by @jrjohnson in #7827
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7831
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001618 to 1.0.30001620 by @dependabot in #7832
Full Changelog: v41.1.0...v41.2.0
Surface Of Nothing
What's Changed
What's Changed
- changed cohort label and value to be left-justified by @michaelchadwick in #7799
- fixes getter/method mismatch in CurrentUser service by @stopfstedt in #7787
- Fix staging deploy runs by @jrjohnson in #7802
- Downgrade S3 Index Deploy Plugin by @jrjohnson in #7804
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7800
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001613 to 1.0.30001614 by @dependabot in #7803
New Contributors
- @michaelchadwick made their first contribution in #7799
Full Changelog: v41.0.0...v41.1.0
What's Changed
What's Changed
- Remove a couple render modifiers by @jrjohnson in #7781
- Fix various bugs with student/cohort assignment by @stopfstedt in #7774
- Respect showCampusNameOfRecord setting by @jrjohnson in #7794
- Replace dotenv in startup directions by @jrjohnson in #7793
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7780
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001609 to 1.0.30001610 by @dependabot in #7782
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.110.0 to 7.110.1 by @dependabot in #7783
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001610 to 1.0.30001611 by @dependabot in #7785
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.110.1 to 7.111.0 by @dependabot in #7789
- Bump the embroider group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #7788
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7790
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001611 to 1.0.30001612 by @dependabot in #7791
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.111.0 to 7.112.0 by @dependabot in #7792
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.112.0 to 7.112.1 by @dependabot in #7795
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.112.1 to 7.112.2 by @dependabot in #7796
- Bump @percy/cli from 1.28.3 to 1.28.5 by @dependabot in #7798
Full Changelog: v40.1.2...v41.0.0
No Words Yet - Unfinished
What's Changed
What's Changed
- Use github release note generation by @jrjohnson in #7764
- Align our dependabot ignore with blueprint by @jrjohnson in #7769
- Replace loading modifier in AssignStudents by @jrjohnson in #7771
- Replaces ember-cli-new-version dependency with home-grown equivalent by @stopfstedt in #7770
- Update Transitive Dependencies by @zorgbort in #7765
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001606 to 1.0.30001607 by @dependabot in #7768
- Bump eslint-plugin-n from 16.6.2 to 17.0.0 by @dependabot in #7767
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001607 to 1.0.30001608 by @dependabot in #7772
- Bump the embroider group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #7773
- Bump @percy/cli from 1.28.2 to 1.28.3 by @dependabot in #7775
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001608 to 1.0.30001609 by @dependabot in #7778
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.109.0 to 7.110.0 by @dependabot in #7777
- Bump sass from 1.74.1 to 1.75.0 by @dependabot in #7776
- Bump webpack-bundle-analyzer from 4.10.1 to 4.10.2 by @dependabot in #7779
Full Changelog: v40.1.1...v40.1.2
All At Once
Merged pull requests:
- Ignore tmp directory from deploys #7757 @jrjohnson
- Add v prefix to sentry errors #7758 @jrjohnson
- applies focus/hover specific styles to terms in taxonomy manager. #7762 @stopfstedt
- replace permission-checker Resource with TrackedAsyncData equivalent. #7752 @stopfstedt
- Replace ignored lint rule with todo #7753 @jrjohnson
- Remove completed todos #7759 @jrjohnson
- Replace async data loading in report subject components #7754 @jrjohnson
- remove ember runloop function calls and/or make exceptions for them #7742 @stopfstedt
Updated Dependencies:
- Update Transitive Dependencies #7763
- Bump ember-cli-deploy-s3-index from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 #7761
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001605 to 1.0.30001606 #7760
- Bump sass from 1.72.0 to 1.74.1 #7755
- Bump ember-cli-deploy-s3-index from 3.0.0 to 4.0.1 #7756
- Bump eslint-plugin-yml from 1.13.2 to 1.14.0 #7751
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001603 to 1.0.30001605 #7750
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Before The Vision
Merged pull requests:
- Add sweet new qunit theme #7746 @jrjohnson
- Check to make sure service workers is enabled #7739 @jrjohnson
- Use tag for release name #7741 @jrjohnson
- provide some space between input element and search results. #7740 @stopfstedt
- Refactor UserProfileCalendar component #7737 @jrjohnson
- Roll all leadership-expanded components int one shared component #7736 @stopfstedt
Updated Dependencies:
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Just As It Is
Merged pull requests:
- Go back to a resource-based loading approach. #7728 @stopfstedt
- We're seeing errors from JS hitting this line #7732 @jrjohnson
- Handle invalid calendar date gracefully #7729 @jrjohnson
Updated Dependencies:
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
What Did I Say?
Merged pull requests:
- Fix dashboard LTI deployment #7726 @jrjohnson
- Send a slack message when critical actions fail #7727 @jrjohnson
- Fixes flash-of-content during saving of program- and program-year-leadership. #7719 @stopfstedt
- Remove deprecated date management code #7717 @jrjohnson
- cleaned up button labels in single event view #7718 @dartajax
- Remove remaining dependencies on Moment.js #7716 @stopfstedt
- put leadership user search boxes above user lists. #7713 @stopfstedt
Updated Dependencies:
- Bump eslint-plugin-yml from 1.12.2 to 1.13.1 #7724
- Bump ember-concurrency from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 #7725
- Bump caniuse-db from 1.0.30001597 to 1.0.30001599 #7723
- Bump ember-cli-page-object from 2.2.3 to 2.3.0 #7722
- Bump @percy/cli from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 #7721
- Bump sass from 1.71.1 to 1.72.0 #7715
- Bump @sentry/ember from 7.106.1 to 7.107.0 #7714
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes