Orange Cove
Change Log
Implemented enhancements:
- Title Should Appear In Add MeSH for Session Objective #1392
- asynchoronous firing of toggles can be slow or erratic #1105
Fixed bugs:
- yes/no buttons get "stuck" #1394
- my reports: associating with "anything" and "instructor" broken #1390
- Default display sort order of Learning Materials is incorrect #1377
- Hard Refresh Should Not Be Needed After Offering Date/Time Change #1276
- asynchoronous firing of toggles can be slow or erratic #1105
- ILM Toggle Fails When Being Switched Off #974
- Learning Material 'status' and 'role' dropdown values not persisting after form save #679
- learner groups selector for users loses state when multiple controls are active #601
- Independent learning toggle fails for pre-existing sessions #571
Closed issues:
- Objective Arrow Should Not Be Visible When Adding MeSH to Session Objective #1393
- replace JSLint with ESLint #1363
- Add User Creation As A Command #1361
- Update ember-cli-deploy-s3 version #1335
- Course Should Be Included Info on Calendar Mouse Over #1030
Merged pull requests:
- validate title on instructor group creation. #1409 (stopfstedt)
- validate length of title on report creation. #1408 (stopfstedt)
- terms, not topics. #1407 (stopfstedt)
- Try out the new code climate engines #1406 (jrjohnson)
- fixed typos. #1405 (stopfstedt)
- added DS models and Mirage support for vocabs and terms. #1404 (stopfstedt)
- Turn off progress bar for NPM in travis #1401 (jrjohnson)
- Update ember-cli-deploy and plugins #1400 (jrjohnson)
- fixes sticky toggles #1399 (stopfstedt)
- set max length of offering room input to 60 char. #1397 (stopfstedt)
- Update session first offering when offerings are updated #1396 (jrjohnson)
- don't show collapsible section titles in display mode and on empty objectives list. #1395 (stopfstedt)
- fixes broken associations in my-report generator. #1391 (stopfstedt)
- Update to Ember 2! #1388 (jrjohnson)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator