Weather Bot is a Telegram bot that provides 3-hourly forecast weather for any city in the world. You can also set your city to receive daily weather updates every morning.
- Get 3-hourly forecast weather for any city.
- Choose weather forecasts for 5 subsequent days.
- Set your city for daily morning weather updates.
Get Weather Forecast:
- Select "Choose city" button to enter any city.
- Type any city in the world.
- Choose the weather forecast for the next 5 days.
Set Daily Updates:
- Select "Update my city" button.
- Type your city to receive daily morning weather updates.
- Start a conversation with the Weather Bot on Telegram.
- Type the name of the city to get the 3-hourly forecast.
- Use the menu to select the weather forecast for 5 subsequent days.
- Set your city to receive daily morning weather updates.
The Weather Bot uses the OpenWeather API to fetch weather information.
The Weather Bot is currently running on an AWS EC2 instance and utilizes AWS RDS with PostgreSQL to store data.
This Weather Bot was developed as part of the "100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023" on Udemy. The course provided valuable insights and knowledge that contributed to the creation of this project.