Chroma Support
Release with Chroma 80 and Chroma 81 emulation. Supports more LCD and board types
Full emulation of ZX81 and ZX80 with 1kB to 56kB RAM
Sound, pseudo HiRes, WRX, UDG, CHR$128, M1NOT
50Hz and 50.6Hz 576p; 60Hz 480p
Chroma 80 and Chroma 81 colour
No O/S, sub second boot time, full screen
Sound over HDMI or audio socket
Configure for European or US emulated TV
Frame and interlace synchronisation
Optional ZX81 Big Bang ROM
Tested against large set of software (see Readme)
Joystick and ZX80/81 USB keyboard support
Full screen configuration menus using ZX81 and ZX80 fonts
Pre-built uf2 for 6 commercial boards
Example configuration to copy to micro SD Card
Additions over previous release
General support for ILI9341 and ST7789 320x240 LCDs on the Cytron Maker Pi Pico board
VGA RGB222 with CSYNC on the Cytron Maker Pi Pico board
Colour display emulating Chroma 81 and Chroma 80
Read support for the .p81 file format
Chroma and ARX Examples
Updated Readme with more images and description
What's Changed
- Maker VGA and LCD targets by @ikjordan in #25
- Chroma by @ikjordan in #26
- Colour hdmi by @ikjordan in #27
- New picodvi by @ikjordan in #28
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4