A REST microservice that list the languages used by the 100 trending public repos on GitHub.
For every language we need the following information (attributes) 😉 :
- Number of repos using this language
- The list of repos using the language
using the REST standards , here is how you can use this API :
GET /api/v1/languages
Result will be :
"language": "JavaScript",
"number_of_repos": 15,
"list_of_repos": [
"language": "Ruby",
"number_of_repos": 5,
"list_of_repos": [
Status :
[200] => SUCCESS
[503] => Service Unavailable
[204] => No Content
[400] => Bad Request
Ruby version
ruby '2.6.5'
Gem used for fetching
Excon : to fetch the GITHUB API , Excon is a general HTTP(s) client and is particularly well suited to usage in API clients.
folder structure
└── controllers
└── api
└── v1
├── languages_controller.rb :
In this controller there are two methods : index which calls
a private back_to_client method rendering both :
adapted_data and status .
└── models
└── api
└── v1
├── helperHTTP.rb :
In this class I am providing some methods related to fetching data from github
using Excon .
├── language.rb :
As we know that each language has 2 attributes to show as a final result,
this model allows to define methods controlling the state of each language .
├── languageAdapter.rb :
In this model I format and adapt the data resulting from Github API
using first : a hash which contains as a key : the language , as a value :
the instance of Language model .
You can generate a new api with Rails using the following command :
rails new my_api --api
This will do three main things for you:
Configure your application to start with a more limited set of middleware than normal. Specifically, it will not include any middleware primarily useful for browser applications (like cookies support) by default.
Make ApplicationController inherit from ActionController::API instead of ActionController::Base. As with middleware, this will leave out any Action Controller modules that provide functionalities primarily used by browser applications.
Configure the generators to skip generating views, helpers, and assets when you generate a new resource.
To explore more : here