For the OAI eNodeB application, the file where main function is placed is {{lte-softmodem.c=/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c:1363}}.
The main operations executed at the lte-softmodem main function are:
- Parse the command line options
- Create the data-structures to hold configuration/operation
- Initialize the logging system(s)
- Fill the configurations
- Configure the eNodeB parameters
- Configure eNodeB interfaces with RF (or fronthaul) and MAC
- This topic is discussed at section: Interfaces (MAC and RF/Fronthaul)
- Start the thread(s)
- This topic is discussed at section: eNodeB Start
The openair interface defines a set of functions and variables to interface with the lower (RF) and upper (MAC) laywers.
These objects are initialized at two points in the code, the functions init_eNB() and l2_init().
- configres the interface between the eNodeB and RF (or Fronthaul) {{init_eNB=/targets/RT/USER/lte-enb.c:2010}}
- configures the interface between eNodeB and MAC as shown {{l2_init=/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/main.c:435}}
Diving into the implementation of init_eNB() function it can be seen as an initializer of some important function and variables. Essentially these objects are chosed based on the node type. Currently there are the following node types:
- eNodeB_3GPP:
- The default LTE eNodeB application
- Remote radio unit for a fronthaul transporting time-domain samples.
- eNodeB_3GPP_BBU
- Base Band Unit (or Remote Cloud Center) for a fronthaul transporting time-domain samples.
- Remote radio unit for a fronthaul transporting frequency-domain samples.
- Base Band Unit (or Remote Cloud Center) for a fronthaul transporting frequency-domain samples.
- Radio Agregation Unit (kind of a fronthaul router) for a fronthaul transporting frequency-domain samples.
For each of the nodes above the variables/functions composing the RF interface is configurated differently. The following table hilight the configurations made.
Function | Description | Who Calls | Possible Val |
eNB->do_prach | execute the PRACH decoding procedures check at {{do_prach}} | rxtx() | do_prach, NULL |
eNB->start_rf | initialize the Radio interface ex: (USRP,BLADERF) | eNB_thread_single() | start_rf, NULL |
eNB->start_if | initialize the Intermediate interface ex: (Fronthaul) | eNB_thread_single() | start_if, NULL |
eNB->proc_tx | process the signal to be transmited on air | rxtx() | proc_tx_full, proc_tx_high, NULL |
eNB->proc_uespec_rx | eNB RX processin of UE-Specific signals | rxtx() | phy_procedures_eNB_uespec_RX, NULL |
eNB->fep | eNB Uplink's DFT (initial SCFDM decode) | phy_procedures_eNB_common_RX() | eNB_fep_full(), eNB_fep_rru_if5, NULL |
eNB->td | Uplink decoding of ULSCH | ulsch_decoding() | ulsch_decoding_data(), NULL |
eNB->te | Downlink encoding of ULSCH | pdsch_procedures() | dlsch_encoding(), NULL |
eNB->tx_fh | Send signal to fronthaul | proc_tx_high(), proc_tx_full() | tx_fh_if5_mobipass(), tx_fh_if5(), tx_fh_if4p5(), NULL |
eNB->rx_fh | Receive signal from fronthaul | eNB_thread_fh(), eNB_thread_single() | rx_rf(), rx_fh_slave(), rx_fh_if5(), rx_fh_if4p5(), NULL |
eNB->fh_asynch | Get fronhtaul assynchronous messages | eNB_thread_asynch_rxtx() | fh_if5_asynch_DL(), fh_if4p5_asynch_DL(), fh_if5_asynch_UL(), fh_if4p5_asynch_UL(), NULL |
eNB->rfdevice.host_type | Configure the type of host this device is configured on | - | BBU_HOST, RRH_HOST |
eNB->ifdevice.host_type | Configure the type of host this device is configured on | - | BBU_HOST, RRH_HOST |
With these interface functions configured it is time to start the eNodeB application, the next section will discuss the how this is made
The init_eNB calls an important functino (init_eNB_proc()), whch will initialize eNB application.
There is two main operation modes: single and multi-thread.
- In the single thread mode a thread is created with the following function:
- eNB_thread_single
- In the multi-thread mode three main threads are created with the following functions:
- 1 x eNB_thread_FH
- 2 x eNB_thread_rxtx
Independent of the main operation mode there are some side threads that are created too:
- eNB_thread_prach
- Decode the Physical Random Access Channel
- prach_procedures:
- Decode the Physical Random Access Channel
- eNB_thread_synch
- Runs initial synchronization like UE
Also in the case where the node is a Remote Radio Unit the follwing thread is created:
- eNB_thread_asynch_rxtx
After these threads started the eNB application is prety much ready to go.
- eNB_thread_single
- Called when the setup process uses single thread (default):
- Functions called:
- start_rf, start_if before the loop
- Check if the eNodeB is slave (???)
- On the main loop:
- rx_fh(): if it exists
- wakeup_slaves()
- rxtx() lte-enb:574
- do_prach(): if it exists and we are not RCC of IF4p5
- phy_procedures_eNB_common_RX() phy_procdures_eNB_common_RX:2835
- fep() if it exists
- proc_uespec_rx(): if it exists
- UE-specific RX processing for subframe n
- Pointer to: phy_procedures_eNB_uespec_RX
- compute_srs_pos()
- lte_srs_channel_estimation()
- pucch_procedures()
- process_Msg3() -> MAC connect
- rx_ulsch()
- ulsch_decoding()
- extract_CQI()
- lte_est_timing_advance_pusch()
- process_HARQ_feedback()
- proc_tx() if it exists (lte-enb:404)
- proc_tx_high0()
- phy_procedures_eNB_TX() pry_procedures_lte_eNB.c:1146
- UL_failure_indication - Emmit failure indication if exist
- eNB_dlsch_ulsch_schedulre - Get scheduling information
- pmch_procedures() - Procedures for the Phisical Multicast Channel
- common_signal_procedures() - Generation of PSS/SSS/PBCH
- max_xface->get_dci_sdu() - Get DCI information from MAC
- For each connected UE existente on DCI
- phy_config_dedicated_eNB_step2() -
- For each connected UE existente on DCI
- generate_dci_top() - Encode the DCI
- pdsch_procedures() - Generate the shared channel with user data
- generate_phich_top
- phy_procedures_eNB_TX() pry_procedures_lte_eNB.c:1146
- do_OFDM_mod_rt()
- tx_fh() if exists
- proc_tx_high0()
- eNB_thread_rxtx
- There are two threads of this type per Component Carrier (CC), one process the even subframes the other process the odd.
- This thread receives the subframe N and sends the subframe N+4
- Internaly this thread calls:
- eNB->do_prach
- phy_procedures_eNB_common_RX
- proc_uespec_rx
- proc_tx
- eNB_thread_FH
- Actually get the samples from fronthaul, it calls:
- rx_fh
- trx_write_func
- trx_read_func
- wakeup_slaves
- wakeup_rxtx
- rx_fh
- Actually get the samples from fronthaul, it calls: