The Util repository consist of a Util library, server and GUI applications. The C++ library is used as a base library for other libraries and applications. It consist of the following base components.
- CSV. Simplifies the usage of creating comma separated data files.
- Gnuplot. Implements a wrapper around the third-party gnuplot plotting application.
- Listen. Client server and a user interface against the Listen functionality.
- Logging. Basic log functions for syslog, file or console logging.
- XML. Simple XML (DOM) wrapper around the third-party EXPAT library.
- String. Various string manipulations function that is missing in the standard C++.
- Time and Date. Various time and date functions.
The following companion applications exist.
- Service Daemon. Windows service that start and supervise other executables (daemons).
- Service Explorer. Support GUI for configure Windows service daemons.
- Listen Daemon. Simple daemon executable that supervise listen servers.
- Listen Viewer. GUI application that show listen messages.
Installation kit for Windows UtilLib v2.0.0.
The documentation can be found on GitHub Pages: UtilLib
The project uses CMAKE for building. The following third-party libraries are used and needs to be downloaded and built.
- Boost Library. Set the 'Boost_ROOT' variable to the Boost root path.
- Expat Library. Set the 'EXPAT_ROOT' variable to the expat root path.
- WinFlexBison Library. Required if flex or bison files are modified.
- ZLIB Library. Set the 'ZLIB_ROOT' variable to the ZLIB root path.
- WxWidgets Library. Is required if the GUI applications should be built.
- Doxygen's application. Is required if the documentation should be built.
- Google Test Library. Is required for running and build the unit tests.
The project uses the MIT license. See external LICENSE file in project root.